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Everything posted by pilninggas

  1. go ahead buy some and review them for us!!! lol
  2. this one is also doing the rounds due to the stoopidity of the OP: http://www.106owners.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=68729
  3. pilninggas


    that whole smidsy crap is from south gloucestershire originally, around north bristol there are loads of smidsy signs. load of rubbish, just jobs for beauracrats and ex-coppers on the gravy train.
  4. I guess these are Maxxis tyres? if it is, i personally wouldnt put them on an R6. Buy something better, dont skimp on the footwear!
  5. pilninggas


    iv never heard of a fuel pump being killed by an airlock (not petrol anyway). The fuel pump just raises the pressure (with a lttle lift maybe from an nearly-empty tank), you cant burn the fuel pump out cos if it wont deliver fuel, the bike wont run! The injection side is probably 42.5psi 2.5bar, and air in there will result in a little lumpiness or a stall, but will soon get pushed through. Diesel pumps need priming, petrol does not have this problem.
  6. these are brill goff - cheers. im gonna do these with my year 10s next week!!!
  7. my local maplin are doing heated gloves that run off AAA betteries for a tenner a pair!
  8. pilninggas


    have you taken the tank off? its probably directly under the petrol tank
  9. god, that sucks! good luck gettin new wheels
  10. pilninggas


    this is nothing to do with fuel pressure lol. Officially, yamaha will say 'we cant have customers changing emissions related parts, as incorrect installation could lead to excess emissions' (or some similar bollox). What bike manufacturers are doing is following the lead of car manufacturers, by trying to force/scare owners into having all maintenance done by a main dealer. When your filter does need doing (not for a while yet?) there will probably be people who know or information available to access it (cant be that bad!)
  11. As the aboe posts say, you could be tempting serious fate with this. Iv heard of 12v conversions to 6v bikes that caused no end of problems. I reckon your idea of solar panels is a good one! maplin do panels for £30 ish for charging gadgets, you could pop it on the back of a rucksack as you ride along. I think your trip to Ireland sounds fun, but if i were you i would be keeping everything as simple as possible.
  12. pilninggas


    to be fair though, all owners manual say 'dealer' doesnt mean you have to! any jobs like that are surely diy
  13. pilninggas

    Site Update!

    One thing i think we need is links to model specific forums. we get lots of threads with queries bout specific yamahas and it would be nice to provide links to forums that would also provide answers about those queries. probably a dumb suggestion, but hey i think it wud be gud
  14. i would think so, as most yammy calipers are interchangeable. i cant be certain however as im not aware of the disk size on the fzr600.
  15. ^what he said be aware that getting fuel on these bikes does not mean they will go. Too rich and they will not fire. I reckon it may be a case of stripping the cars and putting new emulsion tubes in. are you aware of www.exup1000.co.uk? apologies if u are
  16. pilninggas


    Dunno about horns, but if i had an alarm, this is the 'siren' i would have: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=DBGC9xoi8AU love it when Ray-von fits this and then you can hear it going off when 'right said frank' are nicking the car radios: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=LosXhAYM52o&...feature=related
  17. would think its just the servo going thru its start up routine and checking it is 'home' doubt it cause to be concerned
  18. this is how i verify the operation of my exup valve, with the cover off of the valve (as you have done), warm the engine up and let it idle. The pulley wheel has 2 lobes these should be either side of a hole/recess (the hole is for calibration, presumably in the factory with a setting pin), rev it up (over 6000 rpm) and the pulley should be rotated by the cables (attached at the other end to the servo) if it doesnt, its mostly likely one of the following faults: Poorly adjusted cable Seized exup valve Servo not getting electricity/conenction fault. Servo stripped gearing or failed motor. ignitor fault. Broken cable. All checkble, to check the servo take the cables off and do the test the servo should rotate at 6000rpm ish. Also if the servo is not 'home' when the ignition is turned on it should reset. To check seized valve disconnect the cables and twist the pulley by hand, it shouldnt have resistance. If it does, realistically you are gonna need to take the downpipes off the bike and get the valve cover-plate off, expect to have a bit of agro with it and you will be okay. Use high temp lube, when reassembling, molybdenum grease being popular. Good luck
  19. im a teacher and i have to say i love my job - but the education system is struggling due to a fragmented society. Many of the kids i teach come from single parent families or dole-families and are dragged-up rather than raised properly. We have a culture of kids not coming from homes where discipline is used and where (often) there is no work ethic or father figure. Children develop morality and knowing right-and-wrong during there toddler years, but all too often kids now dont and the damage is done and is long-term. The problem is the pinko, socialist, labourite, loony-lefty, do-gooder government and quango types think this kind of bullshit is gonna make kids 'straighten-up and fly-right'. Where i work i often raise eye-brows cos i say what i think about these matters in meetings (when we are told about some new bollox initiative to 'manage' behaviour). I wonder how hard the profession is going to be in 10-15 years and beyond and whether i will still be able to put up with the small minority of spoilt, feckless yobs.
  20. just get rid of the intake junk, as long as you keep the airbox and filter for obvious reasons, all the other pipework that supplies it isnt really important (obviously dont disconnect breathers and stuff!). You could run pod filters, but you'll need to get the fuelling sorted.
  21. hey squish, whereabouts in brissaw is u? n try the bike hut, out near yate for tyres, he does some good deals, providing you take the wheels loose (fone im 1st tho)
  22. Just completed the petition, but also emailed my MP, not sure what effect it will have, if any, here is what i said: Hello to whomever reads this, I am a one of Ms. Primarolos constuents, living in the Filwood/Knowle West area. I am presently concerned (along with many users of two-wheeled powered personal transport) about the large increses in 'raod tax' proposed for 2009. Alistair Darling plans to exempt cars which emit less than 100 grams of CO2 per kilometre from 'road tax', which i back. However small capacity motorcycles ( <125cc the type often favoured by commutes) are subject to an increase from £15 to £33. This seems extremely unfair to me as a motorcyclist for several reasons: 1. The levels of pollutants are usually low, the very latest small capacity motorcycles meet very strigent european wide legislation (as do all motorcycles) with regard to emissions. Coupled with low fuel it is reasonable to say that although figures are not yet required, they would typically fall well short of the 100grams/km figure tax-emempt cars will be subject too (i feel i can comment on this with some understanding due to my professional background). 2. As MP for South Bristol, you will be aware that Bristol as a City, and also as a Greater Urban Area, has significant congestion problems. Small motorcycles must surely be a better choice for many commuters than any single occupancy car, low emission or otherwise. 3. Small motorcycles are often the affordable choice of transport for people on low incomes, suely it is unfair to expect to implement 'road tax' increases on this group to double the cost to this vunerable group of people, particularly in the present economic climate. 4. Motocycles due to their lower weight and generally lower per annum mileages, cause less damage and wear to road surfaces, surely this must be factored into the cost of 'raod tax' if it is to be fair to all road uses. 5. Motorcycles use less parking-space, this has many implications in a crowded urban-area like Bristol, where parking for motor vehicles puts significant pressure on green spaces and rain-water run-off. I hope i have outlined my thoughts on this impotant subject in a considered and relevant way. I personally do not have significant problems as i work near to my home, however others are not so fortunate and rely on these inexpensive, congestion-busting motorcycles to commute to work, college etc. I hope you are able to discuss this matter with your colleagues in government, particularly as you represent some of the most deprived areas in the South-West of England. Kind regards
  23. im not sure te cdi is supposed to get warm! and they do go bad, like all electronics they only have a certain level of redundancy, but hey check this for cheap salvation: http://shop.ebay.com/items/_W0QQ_nkwZfzr60...fromZR40QQ_mdoZ
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