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Everything posted by pilninggas

  1. about 4 years ago, a taxi driver i know was caught doing 60mph in a 30! He emailed pepipoo.com, and the guy who set up, came up from cornwall (to bristol) and represented him in court, got him off on a technicality! didnt ask for any money or anything! doubt he'd do it now, but still thought it was a fine act.
  2. <object width="660" height="525"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t3D33ZY-vw&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0&border=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t3D33ZY-vw&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t3D33ZY-vw&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>
  3. get the seller to clearly mark the price (less is good, though not legal) on the outside of the package. When it comes in, it will be held at your local bonded post office/courier company and you can collect and pay the VAT on it. the post office will charge something on top, which i think is the bigger rip-off. At one time you could get the seller to write gift on the package and it was exempt from duty, unfortunately C&E dont go for this one anymore! not much you can do about it, as long as you still make a saving and you are sure the vender is bona-fide still a good way to get stuff.
  4. pilninggas


    haha, i may have passed you on the autobahn coming back, i just been down to munich on my fzr1000, was going to austria/italy/stelvio-pass, but the bike was acting up so came back via holland/belgium. central europe is always great.
  5. pilninggas

    YZF R125

    also, you are picking a brand new bike up. Make sure the dealer gives you a thorough brief about the controls, any accesories etc. Make sure they have completed the service book pre-delivery service details. go safe and have fun.
  6. do you definitely need to rebuild your calipers? i say this because i have a set of the same six pots fitted to your bike on my fzr1000. i wanted to refit them after having R1 calipers on it for a few years (to take it back to standard). Mine had been in my shed for 3+ years and were ratty when i took them off. What i did was put some fresh brake fluid in and leave them for a few days (to be absorbed into the seals). i them put some 5/8 plywood between the pads and got my airline on it. Most of the pistons popped out (with a good bang). If they were stuck i used cable ties to hold the plywood against any pistons thet were free, so the siezed pistons were subjected to the pressure. Eventually all the pistons freed up and and took all of them out one at a time and cleaned them up carefully with a rag (fortunately they are stainless steel). i then reassembled using the original oil-seals and dust seals and none leaked and the brakes are like new. might be worth a try, seals for 2 calipers each with 6 pots coould get very expensive! as an aside i found a company via google that sell seal kits which were cheap <£5 where you just specify piston size, sorry i cant remember who they were. good luck
  7. dont think an exup engine will go in and tank is different, but an exup tank may fit. wheels are the same, i think.
  8. pilninggas

    fed up

    no witnesses, my insurance company said unlikely to prove other party 100% at fault without witnesses. tpft, so looks like im gonna be well out of pocket....gutted.
  9. pilninggas

    fed up

    real piss£d off, got knocked off today; riding round the roundabout underneath of J25 of the M5 at taunton this afternoon, in the middle lane doing maybe 25-30, when a car sat in a queue in the lefthand lane pulled straightout and into the side of my bike (the tdm850) and me. Initially my leg and foot get crushed between the car and my bike, then the bike topples over and i hit the deck. momentarily pass out and then jump out of the way of the lorry that was behind me as clearly stopping at the scene of accident is too much for him. Car seems to drive off, i think he had second thoughts when he saw a biker waiting for recovery (it turns out also from brizzle) and stops little past the junction. Guy who knocks me off seems to think it was my fault, saying i am too fast and was in his blind spot; actually i was going quite steady and surely he should have looked properly. biker waiting for recovery lifts bike up and calls an ambulance for me. car driver who knocked me off seems keen to get on his way and badgers me for my details, i just felt too shitty to say. anyway taken to hospital (musgrove park), given the all clear - tho i can barely walk on my foot - and get a taxi back to bike so it can be recovered by RAC contractor, wait 3 1/2 hours from first phone call to rac to being recovered. sat down now with a brew..............totally fed up, love bikes, but feel like iv had enough, 2 accidents in 6 months neither of them my fault, is there any point bothering?
  10. people laugh at me (mainly in work) cos i run a battered mondeo. but i really don't enjoy driving a car, there are a few advantages of cars for me: load lugging, i can chuck all my stuff in my car no-sweat and tow a trailer etc, cars are by-and-large cheaper to run (insurance and fuel excepted) and i can listen to the radio, other than that bikes win out every time. its a fairly soulless experience driving even quick cars (slow by bike standards), you can tell people who ride or have ridden bikes as they are always more passionate about bikes than cars.
  11. as you say replace only, far too thin to resurface.
  12. under the seat? under the tank? these schematics might help: http://www.bikebandit.com/houseofmotorcycl...0j-1982/o/m8222
  13. if it isnt a drain hose then its: an inline 'air filter' that runs from the engine breather to the airbox. the idea is that fumes from the breather are vented to the engines intake (so pollutant emissions are lower and burnt off), the filter ensures no debris is allowed to be sucked up the breather and into the engine.
  14. what a bike, what an engine......wish i had one. need pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. fyi, the slave cylinder on my fzr1000 weeps a little and loses fluid over a long period of time, but it has never, ever been a problem as long as i don't let the resevoir run-down.
  16. some auto-engineers may have a diamond tipped drill-ream and will drill out the old nipple. Doesnt matter if there are broken off drills etc in there. Then they will helicoil it for you. thats the route id take, if calipers are scarce.
  17. pilninggas

    numb hands

    didn't some the guys who used to ride british singles in the 50s/60s, wrap sheet lead off cuts around the bars (near the grips) to damp out the vibes? always worth a try.
  18. commiserations on the spill. i made this mistake at 17/18 and it affected my riding for a while. dont let it over shadow the way you ride
  19. http://itn.co.uk/ca47c7dca4e208dc727f5a3cb4e4252d.html
  20. might be worth asking on the tdm forum (google for it). i have a 98 4tx and i think 3vd and 4tx will be different, i dont mind being wrong tho.
  21. it may be also due to the fact that they are doing these things on 0% finance. Allows them to get something back on the deal (the finance is still provided by Blackhorse, who must charge yamaha something for doing it). Still works out cheaper than the 08 price with premium interest. if you are buying cash still look to haggle; i would.
  22. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/160-60-18-70W-DUNLOP...%3A1%7C294%3A50
  23. does this help: http://www.bikebandit.com/houseofmotorcycl...6r-2003/o/m8967 the schematic half way down should tell you what you need
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