Everything posted by pilninggas
Done a foamy..
There wasn't any chance yesterday, it was torrential rain and I got soaked loading and unloading the bike. this is a picture taken by the PO, note the end can on it is different (and a lot better!):
Done a foamy..
tell me about it, i had a YPVS F2 that was pretty tired and got next to nought for it - now it would still command over a grand even as non runner (plus now i'd have the space to sort it out). Wish i'd kept it, but hey ho just like the guy who i bought the EXUP off today, i needed the money at the time.
Done a foamy..
yes it is. Felt a bit bad, but I think the guy needed to fluidise some assets in a hurry. As i was the only serious buyer, able to collect it quickly, the ball was in my court. I know these things inside out, so know what could be instore, but bar cosmetics it looks pretty tidy and genuine. I could probably stick it on ebay and double my outlay [conservatively], but these big yam 4s are in my soul. Some idiot has dynojetted it, which is a ruddy pain, but he gave me a spare set of carbs and I have a set in shed, so might be able to make something workable up and revert to standard.
Done a foamy..
I just picked up an 89 FZR1000R for £250. Needs some work, but all there. Got loads of EXUP parts so plan to have it on the road march-ish. got a lovely SP Engineering end can on it, a new chain (still in the packaging), 2 new tyres, had oil and filter before being taken off the road, blokes back has gone. They are starting to appreciate, so hopefully fix up the top fairing (i have the same one, unpainted, someone gave me), insure it (£98 with no NCB) and have a usable classic. The only worry is my garage is now full to the brim....
any XJ6 owners ?
Fuel injection/non carb engines
Pros of EFI: Fuel injectors only wear over very large cycles. Fuel injection can be tuned using simple devices that are connected 'inline' with the injector circuit and this can be done quickly; if you don't like the results you can change it back quickly. EFI has only a few variables and so fault finding is a cince (and it really is too). An injector has 1 moving part and less than a dozen components, compare to a Mikuni CV (yuck). Modern efi is a lot lighter than 4 complex carbs on multicylinder machines. The fuelling map can be designed to maximise torque, as well as peak power (yes i know carbs can do this, but it is a blacker art). It can be tuned dynamically, on the road, with a wideband 02 sensor; unlike carbs that need pulling for jet changes etc. Downsides (maybe pros of carbs too). If the fuel pump breaks you are not going to start it (they are reliable though). They are not as good for typically fuel economy (indirect injection at least), as they are set up for stoichiometric or rich not truly lean like some carbs (emissions regulations).
Yamaha XJ6 33bhp restrictor help
just ask them for it - did they not put the original in the handbook? failing that just file the stop off when the time comes. enjoy your XJ6. btw get over to the introductions and introduce yourself properly, it's good manners.
EML lights up when accelerate
EML: Engine Malfuntion Light aka Check Engine Light, Emissions Control Malfunction, MIL, Idiot Light.
Dickhead at work goes in my bag
I'd get a cheap £20 dash cam (you can use it to record other stuff too). Pop it in there facing up; it'll switch on with movement. if he goes in the bag it'll be captured and you can go to the manager - if they don't do anything you can really shaft 'em. He sounds like a total loser.
Biker down >:-(
Glad you are okay - keep an eye on the neck thing, the human neck wasn't designed for quick accelerations [off a RTA] combined with a kilo of helmet. keep a log of all sundry costs, all phone calls etc.
need a caliper with 100mm spacing what bike?
it doesn't work like that; one caliper with the correct m/c will be fine; but they need to matched, as anotated by Drewpy.
need a caliper with 100mm spacing what bike?
Virtually all big yams (600+cc) made after the mid 90s have calipers with 100mm spacing, apart from stuff with radial calipers. Beware that yam changed the master cylinder size around 98 for new models and if you put blue spots, gold spots, silver spots on you need to change the master cylinder too or it is as wooden as hell.
Well i plan to take mine to Europe at easter, you guys can bring your 'stars' if you want.
Ignore the dragstarqueen riders, they're too customed-out to see sense.... Change the oil, but you may still need pull the clutch and go over each plate with glasspaper to sort it or as said^^ replace.
remagnetizing the flywheel rotor
Give your flywheel my sympathies: I've lost all my magnetism too.
yamaha 535 for sale
Now i know why the dragqueenstar riders don't like the little virago. what a pos
Pilninggas' new toy
Cheers. That's my greatest weakness if anything is that I never plan anything. I've ridden through Yeovil probably one hundred times, but you can bet bar the odd preplanned blast to Weymouth, West Bay or Poole it was all fairly spur of the moment stuff. Of course if you are in Bristol you are also welcome to pop my way for coffee.
RXS100 the do anything bike
Thanks Drewpy, couldn't get it to embed.
Cant swear enough today !!
haha. Glad she is back - make sure you check the places you can't see too - underseat, under panels etc. Check all electrics still work too.
RXS100 the do anything bike
Pilninggas' new toy
Well i've done a thousand miles on it now - cracking little bike. Just came up the A370 and A38 and it's nice and easy to flick out and past traffic. Handles nicely, i'm quite dialled into it now. Slight seep of oil from the RHS cover when I came down the motorway (at 85) last week, but other than that great. Can't wait to do a run to the low countries on it.
They're great bikes, and well spec'ed too for the money. You might want to put an intro into the noobies bit, so admin don't get annoyed. Welcome.
Deja vu
Sounds like a bent selector fork.
Marmitta Exhaust on a 535.
got a linky?
rear view helmet
A guy on another forum is an agent and sells these lids; apparently they are very good, but I think sales have been slow, I would guess because price point [£250] is in the Shoei/arai range. If they were around £150, i'd consider it.