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  1. Ok, gonna push my luck and shoot for two solutions tonight! Hopefully this one is less involved! Same bike - 1992 SR125. Th instrument panel bulb was blown when I bought it, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to access the bulb!! I even resorted to the Haines manual, but although the manual claims to cover 1982 to 2002 models, the section on instrument panels is titled 1999-on models! I believe after '99, the bike had a seperate headlamp fitted, whilst mine is integrated into the underside of the speedo panel. I did take the headlamp out to see if I could access the bulb from the underside, but no joy, and the top of the panel certainly doesn't seem to want to pop off to allow replacement from above! Help please - I'm getting nervous riding in the evening when I can't tell how fast I'm going!!!!! Many thanks Pete
  2. Hi all New here, and really hoping someone can point a new biker in the right direction! I have a 1992 SR125, which I bought just a couple of weeks ago after passing my CBT last month. I've done a few ride outs, and on Sunday, rode it 65 miles from my girlfriend's to my dad's place with no problems. On Monday I fuelled up, and within about half a mile it started to lose power. It felt like driving a car with the handbrake being applied. Every now and then full power kicks back in (a little worrying, as at times I can have the throttle fully open and barely be holding 40mph, then suddenly it jumps to life again!). Last time I fuelled up - immediately before the problem started - I used high octane unleaded. Thinking back I'm sure I read somewhere that old engines are tuned to use the newer fuel and wondered if this may be part of the prob? The only other advice that I've had is that it may be a hairline crack somewhere that opens up as the engine warms up (another ride this evening does suggest that it runs fine for the first couple of miles, then starts losing power). If anyone can shed any light, it'd be much appreciated Many thanks from a total beginner!!! Pete