I have a 2005 Yamaha R6 with 4000 miles on it. I drove it for a couple miles and stopped to talk to somebody. I left the key in the on position, but the engine wasn't running. The electric fan came on and I wasn't paying any attention to it, and I'm not sure how long it ran, maybe 10 mins? Anyways, when I tried to re-start the bike, it made a buzzing sound. The gauges would come on, and reset itself, but it wouldn't even try to turn over, it just buzzed at me. I began pushing the bike home, and after about 10 mins I tried to start it again, and it cranked a little, but then it buzzed. I suppose after a while the batteries regain a little bit of juice, but not enough to turn over? Who knows, maybe it's not the battery at all, could be something else - but I'm going with the obvious because of the situation.
Does anyone else think that's the problem?