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  1. toosmooth replied to tumbleweed's post in a topic in The Bar
    I had one of these, they are hard b**t*rds to start for sure! You've got to work out the right feel of the kickstarter against the decompression lever, let it ride back up and kick it like hell - but the best advice I can give is this: DO NOT TOUCH THE THROTTLE WHEN KICKING IT OVER!!! We're always tempted to give it a little tweak as we hit the button or kick things over, but on these WR's and in my experience any 4-stroke single, blipping the throttle is a big no no. hope this helps. even when you do it right, they'r ehorrible to get going. I have evil memories of dropping mine down a remote welsh hillside and then having to pick it up from an inverted position, push it back up a hill through waist high gorse bushes, and then attempt to kick start a hot, flooded bike whilst standing on a mud path so narrow and slippery that you couldn't kick the bike over without fear of falling back down the same hill. My god, it's all come flooding back. In fact, sell it, it'll be less hassle! good luck! Paul B