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  1. tumbleweed posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    I just bought a 1999 WR 400 and it is a B#$%H to crank I have tried rolling the throttle a couple of times since the previous owner told me it had a carb pump then getting it just past top dead center using the compression release choking it, and kicking and kicking and kicking there has got to be something that will make this thing crank a little easier. What is the red choke button for? I have been using the black one? thanks for anyone willing to answer, anybody want buy an otherwise nice 400?
  2. I just purchased a 1999 WR 400 and it is a beast to crank, I have been choking it and pushing the kick start through top dead center by pulling the compression release then kicking it ,...man,.. and if I choke it down in the woods it again is the devil to get cranked, is there an easier cranking method? also what does the red choke button do? thanks for anyone willing to comment.