Everything posted by Beezkneez
- new job
This Saturday
i'll be @ work 7-7 days :cry:
- New Here
wet riding
i did get called Mr Smooth yesterday :wink: or was that Mr Slow :shock: but safe :wink:
wet riding
well i think we all know my thoughts on riding in the wet, anyway was caught out yesterday in scotchland :wink: so i had over 150miles (circular) rain and grief :cry: what do you guys reckon is the best way to handle the rain....my method being, mainly back brake and quarter throttle through the corners in a relatively high gear..4th/5th hopefully loading the rear suspension and not the front. Bazza
DT's with Facelifts??
1st one is the best imo
we have to act in a responsible manner Froggy, we cannot allow images of death or mutilation as we have minors browsing the forum, please dont take this the wrong way and do carry on posting but do refrain from the aforementioned =D>
Prison Names Assigned...
Trixie Duffy...i would be called pet/mothers maiden name yeah?
MotorBike Trivia....
come on Scott get some more posted up :wink:
Theory Test
:hi well done m8, now go and get that practical done :wink:
- tempting
Im off
they all say that :twisted:
me jealous na, no, no way, honest, thats nowt that :wink:
Im off
yammie you come upto scotland we could get a get together with axl/liquid maybe :wink:
you cant have him yammie...your mine and mozzy's remember :wink:
small underpants :wink:
- BBC News
Favourite Film/Movie??
i need to be coming to see you now
Noisy Neighbours
well its 5 past 5 and the lazy bastards are still in bed...that says to me that they were drugged up bigtime last night..serves them right if they having a bad come down
Noisy Neighbours
Does anyone else have noisy neighbours? every weekend their oosh oosh oosh boom boom boom shite comes on :evil: ...i dont mind thru the day cos tbh i can be quite noisy myself (vroom vroom :wink: ). She's a bloody party whore who needs to be shut up...something in her mouth perhaps :wink: Its murder when its BBQ time..tens of 20 somethings pissed up on 8 Ace Rant over...they finally finished patying :twisted:
My R6 and friends..+New addition :)
looking good bear, but you have no brakes :shock:
listen up cos i'm saying this once only
by some of the stuff he posts on here.....Morgue/Mortuary :shock:
please forgive my ignorance :hi aboard 8)
obviously your accelerating too fast and braking too hard...be smooth :wink:
CycleWorld sucks
not b4 my bed bath :wink: