Everything posted by Beezkneez
did she want to get a few boots in :wink:
Why aren't you out on your bikes.........
you dirty old man
- FZR1000 insurance
What bike gear? Please Help!
and its rather strange brown colouring :wink:
- Big Bro
FZR1000 insurance
if it helps Rich... i pay £126 for my 1992 FZR1000ru 33yrs...with 9 years NCB :wink: www.directchoice.co.uk is who i'm with.
Why aren't you out on your bikes.........
sorry pete...but MotoGP on all morning, then BSB on all afternoon...then i have to go to work...nightshift..get in...NOT! :cry:
currently only subscribe to BIKE, but in years gone by i would buy every sportsbike orientated magazine...fast bikes/performance bikes/what bike/ride/motorcyclist/superbike...etc.
What bike gear? Please Help!
i'll have to quote a previous thread....life of brian....."you lucky bastard" :twisted: :twisted: i wore jeans once and fell off...got stuck under the bike and it hurt like hell.....especially when the footrest dug into my ankle...ouch... :cry:
What does you parents think?
i was never allowed to have a bike while i was living with my parents...but within 6 months of moving out i had my 1st tool 8) . they know i'm fanatical about racing so they just let me get on with it.
- Big Bro
here here Axl..well put mate.
Bike TWOCers!!!
some scum tried to steal my fzr6 some 7/8 years ago...luckily i heard the bastards and chased them off. when i had my vfr in a lockup, had a tip off somebody was gonna try and get it, so i moved it out of the lockup and waited for the twats to come along and pop the lock...those fuckas got a shock when that garage door went up i tell ya...cant divulge anymore for legal reasons :wink: ..but it was a nice bit of hickory :twisted: Bazza
What bike gear? Please Help!
i cant believe people still go out in jeans...i mean ffs they offer no protection whatsoever..even a 30mph spill will eat your legs away...my motto is DONT SKIMP ON PROTECTION you only get 1 chance in this life..so make the most of it. soapbox rant over 8)
- new motor
new motor
a diesel :cry: more shite to watch out for on the road :cry: came back from scarborough last weekend..up the A171 over whitby and the road was covered in the stuff...and the thunder & lightning didnt help either :evil: :shock:
They've banned me from eBay! WTF?
nah its saturday pete :wink:
- Norway
- Norway
- Norway
- Norway
- Norway
- Norway
FZR1000 insurance
has this not been upped to 20 years now? personally i always believed it to be 15 as well. just i heard that it had gone up.