Everything posted by Beezkneez
- slackers
how it all started
i got a "normal" haircut now :shock: look like a charver now :evil:
Exup valve
cant remember what its called, but its around £30 for a small tube :shock:
Exup valve
hey axl, aslong as its greased using the proper heat resistent grease (pretty expensive though) then it should last for ages, theres also plenty to be had on ebay if it does ever go.
it's class 8) gonna make a point of going next year, scott get ya pennies saved up, i'll put ya up over here 8)
Exup valve
Yes, but why? yamaha spent a lot of time researching the Exup valve it's there for a reason, you could still put an aftermarket sys on and leave the exup in, just a thought 8)
From ages ago :)
just been handed this from about 5 / 6 years ago :shock: Go on son get it nailed out of that corner, show the gixxer how to go on :wink:
Help wanted.
went to see an AC/DC tribute band last saturday www.backinblack.co.uk
Help wanted.
ROCK! :twisted:
What would be easier (if any)
ask Cterror, he's doing a 750/1000 conversion
- slackers
Going out?
Alex "chicken strips" Asigno :wink: couple of laps around ya fav roundabout will get those babies sorted
Alpine-Star Ditched it !
Thanks Alex, take it easy mate and make sure those bruises heal properly.
- Help wanted.
Just My Luck!.....
Just received mine yesterday :wink:
Full Throttle?
no wonder he's got no eyebrows..pmsl
Just My Luck!.....
Iraq being one of them :shock:
The Big Meet!
what about Donny GP....again :wink: :roll:
Well I'm looking oot my windae
- How the hell!!
my mullets coming along nicely now :wink:
Help wanted.
Hi ya Jayne...welcome aboard, try giving your light switch a soak in WD40.
Full Throttle?
if i nail mine in any of the 1st 3 gears..then its either popping the nose up or sliding/smoking the rear end
Just My Luck!.....
i think we should book a charter and fly over to scotts place, cos it sounds wicked over there man :wink:
- slackers