Everything posted by Beezkneez
My FZR600R
bloody hell...just remembered i have a set of brakes boxed up for you here...sorry Dai, will get them off definately this weekend...many apologies :oops:
Just Reminding you :)
I'm off to Assen on wednesday ..hmmm the dam without the missus..marvellous 8) :chill :fee :hbang
Any tips on looking for a 2nd hand bike?
NO...u wont need it :wink: u'll do it John, no worries there mate :twisted:
Fancy a wee drink?
nevermind them..where's my pint of smooth :wink:
The difference between Tahiti and Manchester
is that btm one...yammie girl :shock:
Fancy a wee drink?
My wife's ...shit the truth is out :shock:
What should be the RPM speed on ideling
cheers No 1....never had time to venture to the garage today.to busy writing bloody letters all day....190,191,192..etc etc..you get the picture :shock:
Fancy a wee drink?
hope not, its mine 8) Piston...sorry babe, you get me a pint of smooth and i'll get the babycham :wink: 8)
What should be the RPM speed on ideling
i will check my haynes manual today guys...its at my garage, so i cant do it now, BUT i expect it to be around 950/1150 rpm, maybe wrong but it wont be that far off.
new chain and spockets
525 or 530 ...as Pete says about £100-£120 is about right
Fancy a wee drink?
Where's Yammie Girl?
:shock: :shock: :shock: :roll: :twisted:
Fancy a wee drink?
its a nice double baileys
Fancy a wee drink?
only if we get a 69 :shock:
1 piece or 2 piece suit?
Be hard and get both....or is that skint 8) and get both :shock: 1 piece if u wanna look like a power ranger 2 piece as said more practible 8)
- From ages ago :)
robbed clean :/
fucking priests cant leave fuck all alone..if its not kids, it's their bikes :evil: that sux mate, hope you get it all sorted soon
worst injury
oh forgot....stress fracture of the pelvis playing football aswell
worst injury
had both my legs chopped off when wor lass attacked me with a chainsaw....bitch :roll: other than that, broken leg playing football and a prolapsed disk...OUCH due to work 8) . only had one off and that was a small one where the bike landed on top off me....lucky bastard
Fancy a wee drink?
Top man Piston, i'll have a pint of smooth 8)
Seat Height?
aslong as i get both feet on the floor i'm happy, and i'm only 2ft 1"
My First Bike.....Look ma..no hands!
quality 8)
- Tragic news!
no one to play with!!
thought that would get your cockles going alan