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  1. I have recently bought a '91 XT600E to replace my Kawasaki ZXR400 which I was finding too sports focused. I payed £800 for it with 17k on the clock and FSH. It is a bit tatty round the edges but mechanically sound. I have enjoyed riding it during the last couple of months and this has gotten me thinking about touring europe next summer. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with the following: 1. Does anyone make a screen for the XT as I'm finding it quite heavy going at speeds over 65mph. Also, does adding a screen make the high speed weave better or worse? 2. What is the XTs' true tank range when run hard/normal? 3. What are the best tyres for touring/v.light trail riding. The guy I bought the bike off threw in a pair of part-worn AVON Gripsters as well as the Bridgestone knobblys on the bike. Are these of any use? 4. What luggage is best to use. I intend to travel light and want to avoid using panniers. Would a tankbag and topbox suffice? If so which ones? 5. What are the XTs' weak points? so far my maintenance has consisted of changing the oil/filter and lubing the chain. What do I need to check/replace before embarking on a long tour? 6. My intention is to stick to the smaller roads as I feel the XT is a little hard work on motorways. A mate of mine reckons that an Afica Twin would be far more suitable for my tour. I have gotten quite attached to the XT and would like to show him that it is a competent tourer. Is this true or does my mate have a point? Any response to these questions will be much appreciated. Cheers.