Everything posted by chri5
Number plate size points or fine ? ? ? ?
Hmmm, hopefully they would just give you a warning and tell you to change it, probably with a £30 fine id imagine. Points is a bit harsh for 1st offence but you never know. For the record i have a 5x7 plate with normal letters and havent had any trouble so far (touch wood) even with the fuzz behind me
- Just 2 minutes of your time
08 R6 Questions
I agree, its best to go up and down the revs while not over loading the engine, and dont wring it at full throttle thru the revs either Its VERY tempting to go past 10k which is where the REAL torque and acceleration comes in I'll be trying that method with sticker very soon i think lol, its ugly and i need to get a tank protector As for the blanking plates, theyre not available for the 08 model at the moment (dont know if they will be?) and the 06-07 ones are different and wont fit! Doh! Ive also taken mine off Have a look on this forum too mate if interested R6 Forum Now get it run in as soon as you can
- 08 R6
2008 r6
I got one in feb mate and im SOOO glad i did Its tame enough to ride daily if you wanted but get it over 10k and all hell breaks loose It depends what you want out of it but in my eyes i made the right decision, i also tried a CBR6 but preferred the R6, plus it it looks WAYYYY better Will this sway you? Jay, that pic is SO similer to your avatar pic...nice bike mate lol
2008 R6 Pillion Blanking Plates
No they dont fit got one and tried it to find it was slighty diff shape! d'oh! thanks to the guy on here who sold me tho lol Im not sure on their availability yet but ill keep my eyes open for them. You can probably buy the from Yam but will no doubt cost loooods
1st trackday yesterday
Yeah i'd be up for that Likewise about travelling, as long as its not too far (just incase lol) I kept thinking the same as your mate, but you only need push as far as you feel comfortable dont you? I wouldnt mind doing one at Silverstone myself or Donnington
1st trackday yesterday
If anyone wants to see the low-res pics then feel free to PM me for the link
1st trackday yesterday
It was organised by MSV As for group numbers it was probably around about 20ish so was quite spaced out on track Another mate has done a couple of days at Donnington with the Haslam race school and he said its brilliant. I wouldnt mind going round Donnington myself or Cadwell.
1st trackday yesterday
I attended my 1st trackday yesterday at Snetterton (UK)! despite it being VERY windy and gloomy all day (although the rain held off until about 3pm) i had an awsome time and learnt alot about my riding techniques Roll on the better weather, i'll definately be going back and i recommend it to anyone who hasnt tried it before, brilliant day! Just one picture of mine and mates bikes lined up but there was a photographer there on the day and am just awaiting the pics to be uploaded then ill get some up. Despite my mates riding H*ndas ( ) 1 being a 'blade and another a 600RR they both admitted to my R6 being a complete "missle"
how do you feel?
tbh mate if its just the underneath ones left then chances are no1 would ever notice them! i know what u mean about it bugging u but the more u think about them being there the more worked up it will get u I had things like that on my old car that would really annoy me but still no1 would see them lol oh and the bike looks great btw I need a rear seat cowl and to remove the rear pegs, looks alot better Oh and PM sent regarding ebay
My '08 R6
Just the one pic at the moment until i get the full size lot off of my mate Pictured here with his CBR600 RR
Newbie & getting new bike on Weds :)
Im doing the same to a couple of guys @ work lol Tbh im not sure what changes are being made exactly, but i hear the theory will be alot longer, i.e more questions etc Thanks for the welcome
Newbie & getting new bike on Weds :)
Yeah good "fast" bike to get used to initially i think. Its also not as tall as a 600 so can be easier to manouver if you're new to it Go for it!! Apparently, the whole bike test and theory etc is going to get tougher october time, so may be worth thinking about getting it done earlier. Its what ive heard on the grapevine
Newbie & getting new bike on Weds :)
Well, picked it up 2day, well pleased with it Thanks for the welcome btw
R6 as first bike! Am i mad!
Lets hope ya pass mate, sure u will Pick mine up this wednesday, cant wait!!
Newbie & getting new bike on Weds :)
Hey peeps, just thought id say hello! Ive recently decided upon getting myself a new bike, ive been riding a year and previously had an NC30 VFR400 which was great! So the natural choice for me was an 08 R6 in graphite and im picking it up wednesday morning, cant wait!!