nice twisty, however I see no knees on the tarmac and no bikes!!!
I would stick with the Scorpian can, ive heard MOTADs on other bikes and i personally dont rate them.
ill see if i can google some americans getting thier knees' down on the tarmac then, but i reckon theres more chance of me finding Bin Ladens home address
R6 Insurance
Well expensive but if your happy with that then thats cool, remember to declare all mods made to your bike, even the slightest thing like an aftermarket exhaust, for an extra 20 quid it stops the insurance company wriggling out of a pay out if you get hit off or throw it down the road, the insurance man is a sneaky fecker mate!!!
R6 Insurance
how much did it cost in the end?? I found out why im paying over the odds, coz im in the bloody armed forces, my insurance company (motorcycle direct) claims that because im away some of the year throwing bullets at Bin Ladens evil henchmen that i dont have the continuity of riding all year round Im sure theres a case for discrimination here, maybe I will take my R1 to Helmand Province with me next time and squeeze a few miles in on my weekends off o sh@t we dont get weekends off on deployemnt:lol: Thanks very much for your support motorcycle direct, i hope the word gets out and i will be paying my queens notes to another company come renewal time in May
So far ive worked out that only 1 in 10 people have an opinion on this matter, its just a poll to see what the general consensus is, nothing political behind it. , if i posted this on a honda website i would expect no votes as none of them can read
R6 Insurance
Tell me about it, i think apart from the obvious engine size difference down here in Devon we have quite a few motorcycle fatalities in the summer months so maybe thats somthing to do with the cost of insurance, i dont know to be honest. A mate of mine is 26 and riding a 99 Blade, past his test last year and paying 550 green ones for TDF&T
Ive been looking at some phots and vids of bikes in the good old USA and the majority of the footage is taken on long straight roads which is great for Dragbikes and old people in wheelchairs but not so good for those of us that like making contact with our knees and the tarmac. Where as parts of America have glorious weather for riding all year round I wouldnt sacrifice this for Britains bendy, winding roads especially the "Black Isle" in Scotland or "Snowdonia" in Wales, or even Dartmoor in England. I would be v.intrested to see an American rider taking a fast corner on his bike, that is if there are any American's out there that have been around a bend on thier machines
My Previous R1
My Origional R1
This poll applies to 600cc & over Supersports bikes such as Fireblades, R1's, R6's GSXR's etc. When I was at RAF Kinloss in 2006 I did a BIKESAFE course with the Grampian Police, and I had been riding 11 years at the time but I learnt alot about riding at speed but much safer, and the police bikers were a good bunch of lads, I recommend this course to any biker of any age. http://www.bikesafe.co.uk/
Sponsored ride finally makes it into MCN (don't worry I'm not looking for donations)
Well done lads, always good to see a charity run, not only a good cause but good PR for the biker community
Early Summer Ride Out
Hi folks, theres a few of us planning a ride-out early this summer from Plymouth, across the channel to France and then riding down to Spain, it will be a low cost trip staying in tents in the evenings etc. If we get enough names together I will post ferry prices etc and the route & duration will be decided by all that are going, all bikes welcome.
R6 Insurance
Ill be suprised if you get insurance under £2000 from any company mate, i had to wait until I was 28 before I got a decent quote on a Fireblade, im 35 now, had my full bike licence 16 years and paying £200 Fully Comp on an R1 which I still think is a little high considering my no-claims and the anti-theft devices I have ie DATATAG, DATATOOL SYSTEM 3 etc. No offence to you mate but I think its better to get some serious road experience and no claims discount before heading out on the open road with a powerfull machine, I realise this may upset a few younger bikers out there but IMHO its the truth, experience does count and this reflects insurance quotes. Theres alot of lads out there riding without insurance, this is why the rest of us have to pay high premiums!!
Since i share all my jokes in the pub i thought i would bring them here:- THINGS NOT TO SAY TO THE POLICE I can't reach my license unless you hold my beer. Sorry officer, I didn't realize my radar detector wasn't plugged in I thought you had to be in relatively good physical shape to be a police officer I was going to be a policeman, but I decided to finish school instead Aren't you the bloke from the villiage people? Is it true that people become Policemen because they are too dumb to work at McDonalds? Well, when I reached down to pick up my bag of crack, my gun fell off of my lap and got lodged between the handlebars and the throttle, forcing me to speed out of control. Hey, can you give me another one of those full cavity searches?
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