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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Good on you ray" hope the test is easier than here in the UK.
  2. Ok, its Ohms readings on the coils,, go on utube, and see how to settup your meter, ,then soarse the values from a manual,, = ie 10.ohms ect, on each coil,
  3. You mean the spring is solid, [ no give] ,shurly it moved a little, ?
  4. unplug the stator, and get some readings from the soarse coil, pulser coils,, if these are good, then its the cdi box,[ if you can swap it out] its an ilimination process
  5. Hi granda", bit far away for me,, go easy on that wee engine,, ,
  6. Will get an issue this week ,
  7. bRLLIANT write up,,,,,,,, great adventure eh,, ,,
  8. Carb issue,, - clean , then bump start it,, should start even if low comp,, the ring Gap,,,,, you never checked it, ,,
  9. Hi paul , sounds good, as for pictures,,, am copying of face book now,,,,, easyest way,, no more pissbucket,,
  10. Hi ray 2 great wee bikes, wheres Elvis with all his experience , ------------------------- and hes not down at the chipshop,,,,
  11. Good work jason " ,,,,, mabe you can help Kev with his dilemma,,
  12. Speedo is not part of the M.O.T jase " ,, and Kev ,,,, its D.IY, weekend
  13. Is it the distinguished gentleman ride " ,, Kev if you bring velvet gloves , you can have a Gentlemans W**nk
  14. Corrr " well done nayruff, may up grade the DT, , sounds the dogs,
  15. Wow that different,, welcome in ,
  16. Hi NICK,, Their was a class in racing for these years ago,, ,hardy tools,
  17. Hi Flybee, god to see your still alive,,, ,you were lucky with the oil starvation,,
  18. I"l be friday, for week end,, hope its dry ,as its rained up here for last 2 months ,EVERY day,
  19. Hi dte" what country are you in, ? [ this helps buying info] last time i heard F.A.B. was in thunderbirds,, ,,,, here ,,,lookee here, http://moto7777.wixsite.com/redneckmechanics/dt125
  20. Remember" stock low state of tune,[ factory] was for longivity, , high state of tune,[ race engines] = frequent rebuilds ,
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