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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Ha---- "yeh auld bugger " wens the last time u bought a drink, 3 pints for fiver .. musta been in the 70s
  2. Yeh O.Git!"s right on this one, the seat is way too small. thers rear footpegs" but unless ur 11st.& the wife a size 8 . u"ll be sitting on the tank. [ like i was ] wen mates RD400 BROKE Down. Picture it am 16st & he 17 st , musta looked like them mules in india overloaded. & not good to steer wen sittin forward like that ,
  3. HI & welcome . Now then my mate raced RDs & ypvs "s in the 1980s , so wen he comes babk of holls in Thialand [ he said hes looking at the temples ] will get some info for yeh , oh and wot part of the country are ye in????
  4. yip a stick to motorcycle oil , don"t be tempted to fill with car or diesel engine oil , coz they have anti-friction agents in them.[clutch slip] . or fully sinthetic
  5. Hi john ur back .. , Well we"ll start on cruising speed . yest i was on highway[for U,S.A membrs] 60 mph= 3,800 rpm [on 16 tooth] front sprocket [15 standard] Now i tried a 17 tooth , and it drops revs to about 3.400 .at 60mph. but there is slow throttle responce when needed And if its windy [often is] 4th gear is needed , So am on 16 tooth. Also ther easy stalled in first gear[ esp.off-road] Now the DT250 on ebay is nice [ colour is correct yellow UK 1975 DT250. ] our DT 400s were black/White.->purdy rode one in avengers [google DT250 In film] Orange was USA.spec,[1975] Uk changed to orange 1976 Kobisicle for u, [This link.]
  6. 'chrisw1958' Fk me Chris . u"l be overloaded . commisioners will get u for axle weight ------ Enjoy .
  7. Aye drewps thats a tame soundin four-stroker u hav ther . get one of these to wake up them neighboursreal- noise or TZ750
  8. aye steve problem sorted on rd400... ....broken wire on rotor (was just rewound 1 month ago ) wire rubbed through on 100 mile trip after fitting new rotor//////
  9. There crap too foamy, the romans used them . And u kno how twisty theyre roads were .
  10. Well the performance out -shone the the frame and suspension Thats why they were nicknamed Widow- maker [ H 1 500] Were worse, but hell at the time , everybody just wanted the speed" P.S . A mate of mine . in 1977 on a RD400 took on the KH750, IN THE STREETS OF the Kwakers home town" an whipped him .. big time .. both gangs of bikers waching, embarising for the KH 750 OWNER . but hey the RD400 was a wild-cat in its day
  11. Ahem" blastphemy " contemp" That dinasuar Foamy wud give u the most exiting ride of ur life . they sound better than " London philmonic" See wot the guy thinks of ur comment
  12. Yip . good comment. if u need rebore " i"v got pistons plus rings .NEW.OLD.STOCK. .25 / .50. .75 1.00 . ALL With rings yamaha original parts .. u can get new small end from Web-moto Also i have many spares here , will help u if i can . Take care of that 400 coz they are extremely rare . Oh just noticed ur in ozz,,,
  13. Wot about this for foamy" and all the rest of us from US
  14. [quote name='drewpy' date='Jul 14 2009, 10:24 PM' post='99050 we need to help Goff "white wedding "- billy Idol Shotgun " shotgun" ?????????? 1. Rumours --------- Fleetwood-mac 2. Belfast CHILD ---- - U2 3 Rivers of BABYlon Boney M 4. Crying ------- Roy orbison 5 In da club ------- big
  15. Iv got a" widow-maker" in my sights couple of weeks to finalise the deal. ask old git wot a widow-maker is foamy?????
  16. Two-Stroke Power " FOAMY " Two-Stroke Power
  17. Aye .. the pilot jet must be blocked. also check air filtre, jublie clips etc. try and seal exhaust ,[back presure] all important to running settings,, I take it its a mono shock DT400 [1977] Is it .. WOT ABOUT SOME PICS .
  18. . I know ----- its a bargain --- only $9 postage to UK. Least hes not rippin u off with post
  19. Yeh criss , I did my Husqvarna last year -- frame in silver , wheels gold.. £ 90 . the lot . . may vary . [ city slickers will charge the earth]
  20. Stevey mate . this is wot weve been go-in thru with mates RD400, Rewound altnator/ Rotor/ New volt reg/ rectifier/ The coils were wired direct from kill switch[ handle.bar] . this pulled battery down quickly. So we put in a Resistor. "cured that" Still no charge . So wading thru all the hair on floor [ were both bald now] fitted replacement Wiring loom . CHARGING ,, 14.6 volts at battery yippee [ we thot] ran it last weekend . 120 mls fine Went in to garage at nt Battery low . NOT CHARGING AGAIN [ matches were considered] So we are pulling hair from parts of body that cant be mentioned ELECTRICS
  21. Ha Classic " it wud piss all over his little DT AS WELL"
  22. Aye XS500" - Remember thats not oily that mess " Its brake-fluid . And is highly corrosive . So wash as front end parts [ paint work esp.] coz few weeks time it will eat into effected parts Also brake-fluid is Hydro-scopic [ absorbs moisture from air] keep it in air-tight containers.
  24. Aye too fkn dear that ... " were ticht up this wye" Drewps translate
  25. AW dreps , to close now . but am plannin another raid over the border again
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