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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Hi ther Welcome " Now then sounds like the crank seals are shot.[ hardened] due to sitting around , poor starting is common sign, also surging, poor idle speed [ high reving when hot] due to the excess air being sucked into the crankcase via the fucked seals, rebuild is only solution.
  2. Well done stevey" welcome to the bigger side of biking , u"l love it , no more struggle to keep up with them "cagers" ,, Go easy for a start , get familiar with the XJ. U"l find u carry more speed into corners than ur used to, That" s where it can go wrong ,, hang loose for a,start. And i notice u have a thing for the older birds eh , take it goff not flavour of the month now"
  3. Yeh , post some pics up , giv us some insight to this hard krome .. & ur lucky with the tax man , i always get hit for V.A.T. the bstrds
  4. Aye " on many occasions " I "v heard u fire blanks too And the motor cycle world has brought out a commemorative for Auld Git too . Here My linkhttp://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200432720962&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT here then
  5. Oh i apoligise " I have a few mates like u , on rigs , the"ve got lots of bikes also ,, What u need is a wife . then she"l bring u down to our financial Level...
  6. Its Jawa UK, Their making a come-back to the Moto GP, up- yours & wild foamy have been confirmed team riders 2010/ 11
  7. How the fk can u have afforded to buy all them flashy cars at 22 year old" You cana have saved that sort of money in that short time, Lottery or daddys cash ? if u had to work hard for them cars, u would look after them , and not trash them.
  8. Aye root" it was same this end. all skinny galls and guys. Did u notice the fatty [ rarity in the 60s&70s] whether it guys or girls, when u went to thier house the cuboards were stashed with crisps & biscuits, usualy thier parents were well off,-[ or they didn"t drink alcohol like ours] - and they looked at us as if we were Oliver Twists,, Oh & yeh used the boot laces as throttle cable before . > Some say "the good old days" others tell the truth
  9. Well auld een " did u get a spin on the liquid cooled "impersonator " of the DT125 ??????
  10. Well iv finished the refurb of the H2 750, [widow-maker], pics will follow .soon , [Thanks to drewpy for the ground work with Chroming] Amyway, still a few months before summer , Was gonna tackle the DT400c Engine , rebuild " new crank seals gonna check bearings mains etc. no rebore its ok. 2nd size over. Thing is how easy to get crank seals,? are the the same as any other yams that age,? Part No; 93103-40091 ,, merv is it any match for RD"s etc ,, 93306-30614
  11. Aye do that let us see the wilderness,, it can be so isolated up ther i kno ,, no signal on fones either
  13. mission [ary position] Impossible
  14. Hi stevey , am not logged in to that face-boot thing , where are u stationed , LUECHERS, LOSSIE ? And which mountains are u climbing ,??
  15. Very nice hen" my favourite yamaha colours , reminds me of the YZ 465 , MOTO Xer and ty 250 trials of the 1979/81 years
  16. Thats below the belt mike "
  17. Aye well " Taskmaster summed it up , To be true thier is little English, scots, or welsh Blood left in us all, By the time the romans, vikings, saxons, and may i say the irish, have shagged thier way thru this small island , i doubt there could be any one left in the country claim to be pure English, or scots [especialy] they were picts originally, influxed by the irish whitch turned them into scots, And the way the imigrants are making head-ways into what little drop of diluted english blood is left , will be a race no more, like americans" 57 veriety"s So lets not bicker about the atrosities of leaders in the past, each and every one had greed to rule one another, I love the english countryside and the good people there. [traffic is horrendous] Its the bad in every country that drag up the past. and terrorize the now peacefull world, bury the hatchet, its the only way forward Fk me , summer near yet, till i get oot and stop blethering,
  18. I kno of a dennis & niel ,, & thier mother is irish too ,, my mother left galway in 1944,, came over here for work. Any way wud love trip to emerald isle sumtime ........
  19. Yeh as curly says " you can also go up 1 tooth on the front sprocket,, or 2 if doing a lot of motorway touring, But inspect the casing area for fouling clutch operating mechanisms & cables , with bigger sprockets
  20. Oye" 2 Wheels , Forfar" am looking at the town lights just now from my wooded hilltop , Wots uR Uncles name ?? My mothers irish too , Gallway Bay. And by the looks off things Thers a small bike adventure arising from this post Pepper"ami
  21. Contrary to all the sarcastic remarks about the DT125 lc topping 90mph , I do think it is possible Possibly ! " after bedtime and having eaten the correct type of cheese " And i see uv shot down a few T.D.Rs O.Git,
  22. Welcome Sam ,, if u search [ forum] for Wild foamy , and search for his posts , U will find out a lot of mods [engine] that he has done, Uwill also see the disasters T00 Exspensive , so tread carefully with the engine mods ,
  23. Yeh " and this months adition .of Classic M.C. mechanics , gives a step by step guide to recovering, am just on a recover my self ..
  24. Now then did anyone notice the swinging arm is mad of rectangular box section Standard too , that was inovative back then in 1968 , wonder why yamaha dropped it to tubular, then in 1977 box swingers came back with the mono-shock models , Yz moto-xrs had em earlyier answer any-body .......?
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