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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Welcome captain,,, thats a classic ,,, for 175 quid.. ,, unbelievale,,,,
  2. is that the same bike , with new paint ? different eh
  3. Yeh drewps " nearer the time ,i might make a appearance to this ,,, bring the DT175.. excuse for a night out ,in Manchester,,,, The scottish show is in March, & am on the K,Triples, stand,,, ,hpoe dates don"t clash,,,
  4. Yip i"v shed ful o" parts,,, barrels/ pistons rotors, Cdi, mudgaurds, , i like to think if i broke down in summer months its a quick replace of failed parts, and keep on the road, ,,, i"v a multitude of Land rover spares in house too , with two engines [300tdi.] & transfer box, too,, only thing is, every weekend mechanic local kno"s this, and call round, and strip my stores, be prepared , , thats the moto drewp"s eh
  5. Welcome steve" been thru edinbrgh a lot this year on bike,,, south queensferry , too ,,
  6. Welcome billy" post up in the projects section,,, or this will be missed,
  7. uPdate drewps " tomight, 9th. @ 3.15 Am, And repeated Monday14th 6.50. Pm,,
  8. Body of christ" wish we had that weather,, , we have boats , not for recreation, but as means of transport this year,,,
  9. Yeh was on last night,, late on , will be repeated soon i"l keep you posted,,
  10. Welcome O"brien , i see you"v had the old GS1000, a fair tool in its day,,, wheres you from,,,?
  11. That look Flash wiemie" cool 125,,,,
  12. Welcome stued" thers some nice piccy"s of XJ" in the gallery,, ,, , some food for thot " colours etc,,,
  13. WELCOME "Henk , the XS1000 Was a big custom style , not very popular,, At that time Yamaha did lack fire-power, they never had a out an out blazer, likes of the GPZ, GS 1000, z1000, laverda Jota , , Lc 500 was the flagship in early 1980"s
  14. blackhat250


    Yeh marko" yer fked mate,,,T.party insurance ain"t worth the paper its printed on, lighter on the back brake ,, , its a shure slide then off ,, in an emergency stop,, At least your ok , & minimal damage
  15. Welcome criss " get yourself a classic once your past the test,,
  16. been ther nysmans" abait 35years ago.. And the police arrived at the scene , and said " you"d been speeding you little bastard" "On your way maddam " And i was charged ,,, The good old days Eh ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, makes you more aware,,,
  17. Welcome ian,, how old is the XJ? , frost here now ,salt on roads,,, thats the season buggered,
  18. Welcome andrew, best post in workshop mate, as there posts are buried quick, due to lots of new members,, ,, take the float bowl of the offendind carb,,, and see if fuel running in,, ,, then choke jet, then pilot jet,,, elimination dear Watson,,,,
  19. Haaaaaa" i defy anyone cannot hold there laugh in , :babyha:
  20. Top job weimie" you can spend thousands on a resto.. whitch if its for concours show,, ,fair enuff, but if its for riding, no point in too much spit and pollish,, great result tho "
  21. With DT175 "s needing refueled at roadside" on most runs , ,, it is advisable ,
  22. Welcome criss, thers threads on de-ristricting in other sections,,
  23. Welcome hance" theres a Xj forum , founder members are on here ,, post up in another section for link ,,
  24. PJ1 for mine,,, Imust get it finished ...
  25. Welcome jota " ,, Whers you from,,,? bikes from the 70s/ 80s, are the real deal for me too , saying that , i thot the jota was an ugly duck ,, saw 1 in 1976. Andrew harts Mcycles ,[dundee] Never knew any millionair"s that could afford them back then,,
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