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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Wey-hay dave " remember this,,,,,,be good to see yeh ,,,
  2. Welcome R2D2" i take it your a starwars fan too, good luck with the CBT,,
  3. Welcome richie" thers a few on here from your area, you"l visit the ace eh,,,
  4. blackhat250


    Great news welshy" the worlds your oyster,,,,
  5. Hi spony" theres a few welshy"s on here,,,
  6. And pull apart all connectors to CDI unit, corrosion with dampness and condencation,,, get a can of switch cleaner, Welome by the way,,
  7. Wey"hay Yamagod to the rescue, where ya been hiding, hows the land of the sun gods / And Sila" get youself a multi meter, is simple electrics on them DT"s.
  8. Its hit or miss carl" i bought , barrels/ pistons - £300/ -no duty, crankshaft-£450.[ new] - no duty, then i got seat trims £25.- hit for £8. duty,,,
  9. Is it just me, the webpage is all to the right/h. and blank to the left .....
  10. Welcome fogbox" You get a WR450 with lights, thers a post on here, search for it,,, the only thing about riding a enduro of Small CC, is your friends have big bikes and you"l be flat out to keep up, say 70/80mph, 250, or 450 , will be howling along,,
  11. Same as newman" rode the KLE, there a parallel twin, smooth enuff, ,low on power, great brakes,,,
  12. bugger me grouch"o. you are doomed,, . i would heve bumpstarted it, and rode home,,, but theres very little traffic up here,
  13. Good on yeh cylindrik" ... enjoy the summer ,, if it comes,,,
  14. Welcome erik" i have been to most highland games, was in Tug.o.war team for 15 years, there is some nice games in Royal deeside, Lonach games [August 20th] is a real highland affare, with the lonach highlanders march thru town, yeh swords the lot, free whiskey too. The applecross road has to be ridden, its jurassic scenery,
  15. Lookin good guy"s n gell"s , what bike is tommy on " square headlight,,, was mike there too. hows the car park empty, how was the Auto scrap- jumble....
  16. ." Feel like a kid on Christmas eve!" Thats what its all about,,,,, . welcome. good choise,,,,
  17. Bit confusing this, everybody says keep the choke on longer, but he says wont tick over with choke on.. The revs should be high with choke on,[2k] and as the revs drop, take the choke off, his first post says " idles fine wen off choke," meaning its dieing with choke on, [ i think thatswhat he means] if so , sounds a bit ritch check air screw,[ turns out] ,,,
  18. Insabordanation yung man,,,,,, slam him in the cooler,,,
  19. Colin" contact Rex"s speed shop, they do replacement cdi....
  20. Close call joHn"o . fecker never used mirror eh,,
  21. Not going this time drewps,,,, be at october show,,,[ jap orientated] av been to last 3 on the trot, good day out tho,, ,Mind the
  22. Welcome over there" how old is the Maxim ? i thot they were 750"s
  23. Classic bike & P.Sport bikes ,,, Tommy Ten bikes and REX"s speedshop , great articles..
  24. i was on a duel carragway, but it had a 30mph on it,,, after the northern rally, bloody wide open road,
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