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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Regarding the vibration, most bike have a vib- RPM,,, either get above that rpm or below it, when cruising,, and take some weight on your feet now and again to ease back & but pain on long hauls,,
  2. Welcome james" get a manual, and all will become clear to remedy,,
  3. Be patient for an answer on this one,, owners are scarce, you missed N.O.S tanks on ebay a month ago , for most XS models. Welcome bye the way,,
  4. Welcome mike" points gap is 0.012- 0.015. [ 0.3-0.4mm] and timing mark, to be 1.8mm before TDC. [ using dial gauge] ...
  5. My N.O.S Dt 400 speedo has seen 500 mph once. as it travelled over the Atlantic from USA.
  6. Hi hadda " your at the right age to start tinkering, we were once there, great times, were heading to the FS1E northern rally july 7th,
  7. Its item 20. hooks to lug on frame . then onto lever,,,
  8. Welcome wally " thers an Xj forum too. the founders are members on here,,,,
  9. Hi mucker "! yeh blue white , defo the fastest DT"s...
  10. Ho ho " congrats bip . take your time on the new bike choise,,,,thers loads out there,,,
  11. They are two-stroke too , google . or u-tube , to see the principals,,it helps you understand maintanance etc,,,
  12. Hi Arron" i pass thru perth on way south if on bike,[ niss the A90] .. take it easy for a start, where you gonna get it restricted,,
  13. Ay-up jake" i thot you had,,, been here a wee while now,,
  14. Just about made plans for next weekend,, ... its july tho ,,,,
  15. Welcome twincle" you"ve got the bug then,,
  16. Welcome Kipra" ,,, fill your profile in,,, it helps in conversation ,,,and ride-outs etc,,
  17. Wheres grouch"o" in the garage..
  18. Welcome mark" loads of Draggy fans on here,,,
  19. Its where the gear lever attaches to shift shaft,
  20. Welcome MrFZ" . good wee bikes them , true classic of the future, , wheres are you, your profile will help members if filled in,,
  21. 2nd & 3rd,, Thats strange, have you checked the gear linkage for tightness & wear, . i had this problem on Sunday, after riding home from Blackpool. was hitting false neutrals, and had to double shift with foot to find gears, turns out the linkage was loose,,
  22. Use Brake cleaner Emiliz". it evaporates, and sounds like you"ve stripped a bolt,,, where ? on clutch presure plates, or casing,,?
  23. Whats the story" how did you get it, is it sport related, or banged it,,,
  24. Yeh " lets see what she looks like seca...
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