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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Hi daniell" put up your frame number, and we"l tell you the year, etc.. .
  2. R6"s seem to have gearbox issues, as theres been a few posts on here over the years, It may be the selector pawl spring, this is outside the gearbox, behind the clutch basket, or the return spring, its in same area. this is the cheapest /easy fix, best to try these first, then its an engine split if these fail to remedy the change issues,
  3. Lettus know when your doing Scotland trip, West coast is best, its jurrassic up north/west,
  4. Matt" you need to ride Applecross rd, its a real SEilvo typo road. .Lallasro " that Loch linnhe is where i went swimming last weekend, when boat went on fire, .. head up to Isle of Skye, if you can.
  5. Excellant report bip" you should have photographed them R1 teletubby"s in shorts,,, that woulda rounded it off ..
  6. Hi vadiro" if you comfotable on the YBR , thats good, upgrade wen your feel its ran its coarse,,,
  7. Whey hey grouch"o , we thought you were away visiting Harpo ,,, , hows the XT,,,,
  8. Welcome greeneggs " your in good company for dragstar tips,,,
  9. As long as Exsaust dosn"t have , " not for Highway use" or the like stamped on it , your OK,,,,
  10. Black/ whites , usually to CDI. Or ignition,, there the grounds,,
  11. Yeh " is a beast ....
  12. Welcome mungsta " shurley its a 1979 model, as te DT125 was the later models,,
  13. Loch linn, near Connell bridge, or is it appin, We were all laughing at night in pub, but not at time,,, Sandy lost his biker jacket,- phone, money, and The owner lost phone/ wallet . helmet, sat nav, its amazin how quick this all happens, never go out withhout a life jacket, as i had 1 over my leathers,, and if not the weight of boots and jacket would have got me,..
  14. Yeh " " was out on mates boat,[ sea loch] i had me biker gear on , as we rode over to west coast, as he tried to fill the petrol tank [ 500 yards out from coast, he spilt lots of fuel. a few minutes later, starts boat, "Kaboom" inboard motor explodes, cover hit me in back, flames licking out , PANIC" Mate throws fuel tank overboad, THEN" lifts engine cover , Whoomff " engulfs half the boat, by this time am on the bow[ like titanic] one of others shouts i can"t swim. . well fk it , it was every man for themself, i dived in starts swimming for shore, still 200 yards to go , I hears Kabboom " [ gerry can]looks round to see boat full ablaze" and i see two orange lifejackets bobbing, so they made it, I took 10 mins to reach rocks, thers a lady standing there , she says " is it a traiining exercize " We all made it ashore, looks out to sea and it was like a scene from bluff cove" black paul of smoke, had to ride back to hotel soaked,
  15. 9x7 Is law jOhn , the speedo thing is a grey area, and i thought bikes after 1981, had to have a front brake light switch,,
  16. Welcome elmarax" The MX1 GP, was in finland today " like dirt bike too.
  17. Welcome pete . get out and enjoy this heatwave " its ben 4 years since we had a summer,,,
  18. Bloody ell" thats a cracking DT..... ---- bye the way,,,
  19. Bet the fker has no insurance anyway,,
  20. How do riders in say California - Florida cope then ,,,? If were not used to heat, what do they wear, ? sasha ?
  21. Welcome geordy " thats a great reply from cosgrove, covered every angle. bent needle sounds suspect, or too big Main jet, and just because it says 190 [ or whatever] on the jet, dosnt mean some flash Harry hasn"t drilled it bigger, at some point,
  22. That running out of revs. will be fuel starvation, [ check flow & float level] and whirring sounds lke kicker idller gear must be fouling on summat, nice find tho, good nick its in,,
  23. Hee " i know its a big jump. av orderd a real 190 . [ standard] but had to see if that was the prob,,, did 2 mls,,,,tnight.
  24. Yeh its great, . must admit tho, on Sat, we stopped at fuel station before last leg to Squires, 27.5 degree, fk me. i"v never felt that kinda heat before, us northrn monkeys get 18"s if were lucky, i was parched by time we made base, face burnt with visor up. mouth dry with 2 stroke fumes of the 50 bikes in front,,, Lager -------- Good news is " its here for a week yet...
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