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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Well" if Tasky says it is, then it must be, hes our critic [ and Cynic] if anthin passes them two. its sound, Don"t post in wrong section whatever you do ,,,,or Dirty DT will cuff you.
  2. That sounds great,,,brings back memories...as without the filtre it sounds Garelli-ish,
  3. When you had pet- cock of. shudd placed lips on main outlet blown thru , and turned to on -off to see if it works,
  4. Money for a video" what was it,,, Wild life ? porn .or both...
  5. Well av just bought a MUVI veho HD . come with remote, rear view , 3Hrs micro sd card . Will try it out and review, Cheap too ,£156,
  6. Am lost ..sat nav cover , A tenner,,,
  7. Hi kev" you"l enjoy the bike more when summer arrives, keep it sprayed in anti corrosion fluid the now.
  8. What about a dating cert" & N.OV.A cert ....
  9. Hi gemma" sounds like an electical fault ok, and its the worst kind -intermitant . personally ,i would get the imobilizer disconected alltogether, then see what happening,,
  10. I"v ridden 1 @ Birminham NEC.. close throttle and feels like freewheel into corners ,,, scarey.
  11. You"l be back" read my signature,,,
  12. , I know" txt talk will ruin spelling, Back on topic- when this thing is running, do a short run , then check plug colour, some one will explain PLUG chop. get back to us with info. as i thing this thing is way off, and siezure can happen,,
  13. Yeh hich" it will suck gearoil, when running , its visable and smells awfull .unlike 2stroke oil,,, Some Rh seals are on the inside of casings , ie - engine split, others need clutch basket & primary gear removed only. A wee English leason To & Too [ also- very] use them in the right place as they mean different thing.. I know am a hypocrite " as you lot forced you languge on Us 300 years ago...
  14. Its great. but if you ad an engine to anthin,[ pushbike or the likes,] Mot- tax , SVA , will need done, hes a number plate on i see
  15. One other thing , keep the air filtre on while adjusting, 3ooo rpm is too high, 1200-1500 . is good , and your lean alright, Rh crankseal will not help the airleak situation ,as its submerged in gear oil, were gettin near DT50 "
  16. And will not kill her, [ same bottom end and stroke] vast improvement in power, and will pull 65mph easily, the clutch has 1 plate less on DT125 = ,,, may slip. at high rpm gearchanges,
  17. Yip" i done it last year, needed= barrell [ 171cc stamped on side] matching head, piston/ pin/ and smal lend bearing, the small ends and pin are not interchangable, exhaust is same , carb jets need to change main to 150. pilot to 30 , it may be 30 in yours older dt125 was20, its a case of see how she runs.. Oh gaskets are bigger, base head,,
  18. Right" lets forget about the lever , The plunger" it seats down onto the choke jet, so lifting the plunger IS choke on. Now if yours needs plunger UP to run, [after warm up] then your pilot jet is blocked, as the pilot runs engine from idle to 1/4 throttle just look at the plunger, then you"l know -on-off position, this high rev business ,end blip throttle to lower revs is a worn cable, or sticky throttle body,
  19. Hi jez" another FZ600 owner,,,,thers lots of info ,and resto"s in here,,,,
  20. Click on start, then scroll along , or click on page and roll down Mind blowing. http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap140112.html
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