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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Gear changes ? i would check the gearbox oil level or even change it,,
  2. They"re hinting to do an intro,
  3. Thats a neat back end on that thing,,
  4. blackhat250

    Manx GP .

    Am off tomorrow , for a week, if thers any members going , look out for the DT250mx & the TS250 , Running about , will take video and pics,,
  5. hee " i was tightening the exhaust shield, , that was the GPZ900 engine in them things , it was a flyer . [ when it ran on 4]
  6. Marshaling " this lot have never completed the route once in 4 years,,
  7. Hi there, thers lots of XVs owners here for help..
  8. Hi bobkins " , yeh them thieve"s will be skulking around,,, keep it out of sight,,
  9. Ok , how does it start from cold ? and is it bogging after choke is off.?
  10. Ye laura you need a rack, ,,,it will mount to the same points as that grab rail , i think,
  11. Hi gurgir. see the F.A.Q. "s that explains how to post piccys, , That a DT50MX okay, wild foamy , hes a dt50 guru.
  12. Welcome inn " post up a piccy of the YSC , thats a cool little bike,,
  13. Dt50"s right, it sounds like clutch slip, as jumping out of gear is like a ratchet noise, bang-bang bang, jolts thru motor,
  14. top marks,,,, your keen, the thot has me feeling tired,,, especially in traffic infested roads,, I did 90mls yest in that wind . horendeous,,
  15. 2 FOR ME ." AND wee SCOTT , [ SS50] thers no charge for camping if on a bike
  16. How does it start, ? and 15 mph .is that in 1st gear,,, i think the compression is low,,
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