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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. When you said it was charging. did you put the meter on, ? and what voltage showed, shudda been at least 13.8volts, . and maybe the battery is the main culprit, , it shude be a stable 12.6. ,then keep meter on it, press starter , if its goosed it will drop to around 9v
  2. hI LEM ". its like a story from the 1970"s
  3. Just checked, 21w, in the now, ordered 18w, can you get lower ?
  4. While"s on the subject .my bllinkers are rapido. [ dt400] , how can I slow them, . up resistance ?
  5. Hi gabe " what 125 are you thinkin about ,?
  6. Just seen this, Capt.F, it should read ,,, great show.
  7. Yeh , they"l need to measure your rim etc ,for spokes, google wheel builder. thers plenty ,
  8. Aye dave " its illimination process . swap the coil, then points/ condencer, how does it idle when warm ?
  9. Yeh , condencer , sumthing simple, or the coil breaking up once hot, . basic illumination process, ie cheapest component first, . pug/ cap/ coil/ points -condencer,
  10. Ha kev " is the Mellow yellow no more, back to standard ?
  11. blackhat250


    Replace them, there cheap as chips, . get the right size.
  12. This bikes a twin aint it " if its fokked crank seals, the right hand pot will foul if sucking gear oil, this pipe will smoke more, and stinks, the left seal will suck air,[ generator side] and the idle creeps up as the engine warms,
  13. Just seen this, your cracking on ,, good effort .
  14. Hi scott. am 35 mls north of you. . the worst job IMO. on a 4 cylinder ,is carb /cables removal and refit , I hated that job,
  15. Welcome in stace " ,,,yeh there a track bike favourite nowadays
  16. We werna allowed to join the BB"s or scouts, [ being R,C, ] It was all so wrong back then ,,
  17. Yeh toutsie", a good metal worker will have a press, . I took a gate to blacksmith [it was like a banana] I said make me a new one, he said I"l straighten it, well bugger me ,its like new,
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