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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Nice colour, not shure on the ducati style plate thing,,
  2. Wtf,,,,, drewps what were you searching for, to stumble on this,,
  3. blackhat250


    Try a new plug paul. ,,
  4. Hi jay,,,,,,celtic fan eh ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  5. Welcome back Mac, your memory is going,
  6. I did it on the old H2. @ Berwick,, Fogged the A1 for a few miles , i thot i"d blown a crank seal, pulled over , pulled the fuel pipe, let the tank run on the ground. mate went for fresh, it ran ok, too but fogggy
  7. Have you an accurate temp gauge, what temp is it getting to,,
  8. Yeh its clutch drag,, inspect the basket when your in there, if theres grooves , file them flat, or the new clutch will be the same,
  9. Hi moocher" ,i passed that Ac/dc Monument today,,,,,,,
  10. Welcome i ntom,, grand weather the now, you southerners are to hit 22* at the weekend,
  11. Missed this,,,,nice little twin ,,
  12. HIYA ,grmpa.. that a big ride your undertakin,,,
  13. Am betting a broken [ faulty ] wire in loom, .
  14. Hi Max, it be the dt175 in older clothing -----
  15. i deletes my passwords, [ system clean] and when tths poped up, as well as sign in I was bamboozeled,
  16. Aye here,------http://www.aircooledrdclub.com/smf/index.php If you join, its cheaper,. Ask for paul dawkins,,,,,,,,,,,
  17. If we hear any more about T shirts, we"l send Nicola Sturgeon round,
  18. All done,,, yellow [ mine] is last years,, The black [ my mates soon] ,has my reat on ,it, [ till other back from upholsterer] .. Registration next,,
  19. Soliniod duff, of corroded conections,,,
  20. Am doing the N/C 500 [ that's its name now] round the top of the country, on 2 strokes,, ,it is great up there, traffic free, the scenery is awesome, that's a great sunset jim" here some others from yest,,,[ other friends]
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