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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. I know the weathers been crap Drewps,,,, but you gotta get out more,,,
  2. I see the barrel pice has dropped to $ 96. A barrel,,, it was at $135 i make that a 30% drop ,,,, bet fuel never drops more than 5%,,,,,,and oil on shelf never drops,,, Can we have a answer,,,[ political probably, = riddle]
  3. Yip toutsy " even more loss with a Shafty than a chain,, The old XS650 would probably put out more horse ,,
  4. Welcome redliner" you"v posted in the wrong place, , this is FORUM help, ie, post up pictures / trouble logging on etc.. post in WORKSHOP....
  5. Welcome besty, Aye there be a seal behind sprocket, don"t know the model, but you may be able to put screws into old seal and pull it out , and drift in new seal, get a manual for the model,
  6. Blind Bastards " Saw an ambulance coming full bore blue"s and two"s , and a camper sitting at junction. what does he do ,? pull out into path of the meat wagon, ,, Another instance, standing in que at filling station, foyer girl asks guy " pump sir " guy says "the red car", cunt cudna read the number,. ,,, these fuckers are out there, O" & fkers that dont indicate at round abouts,
  7. Heres the Mag you missed drewps,,,
  8. Welcome izouin" Take off all connections , and clean , then new battery, if wires wern"t heavy enuff" they,, would be Hot,
  9. Welcome jim, how old is the Gas, need more info...,take this to workshop section,,
  10. Well done PB1" Them small twins sound Ace... Turn up at our stroker meet , Sept 1st ,,,
  11. Welcome tylonm, It will be the dogs that be worn or chipped, not the selector, you can get them undercut, [ fit better,] or may just need shimmed
  12. Yeh taylonm" would look the part,,, Where do you sourse pannels ? i know where thers a R7 in the crate ,,zero miles, for sale too.
  13. Speed camera"s are set at 3% over,to allow for any error, Touts is about right, But lets face it The dragsters are heavy - and airo dynamic as a barn door, Gonna have to be set-up perfect to achieve 100+
  14. Welcome Rider " lagos is a busy city, i have freinds who work there, ask questions in workshop,,,
  15. What about stick coils, ? individual coil. Fat blue spark,,,[ practical S,B, mag ] this month,,
  16. Yeh " i feel for you ,,, And That post by drewpy is just great,
  17. Welcome scott , that XS650 rocks ,,,,, nicesst yam ever,,,,,
  18. Sorry jordan , but it happens all the time, ignition switches make and model year ,= Arrives ,,,,,,Wrong, Cables ,,,yip them too, Half the fkers packing the parts don"t have a scooby,,, Jordan ,,,,, West yorkshire,,,,,see you at Squires ,,, 3rd sept,,,,
  19. And its deffo the airbox / breather matt ? whats the milage of the bike ,,
  20. Yeh jordan " should be straight forward , Thats If the new cable is the same, i"v seen them with wrong ends , adjusters to short, measure it against old one,,,
  21. Welcome col" lots of diversion owners on here ,,,post up questions in the yamabiss or Bar,,,
  22. Welcome blackstar " yeh you"v posted in wrong section , , NEW Members section,,,,
  23. Welcome ghost-fox,, you"v got your priorities right tho "
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