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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Welome pablo" your DT is to new for my search"s, my frame i/d. finnish 1981,, post in workshop for reply,,
  2. I have watched every program , 1st & 2nd WW, i would like to visit normandy , and Verdun
  3. Welcome rum/mster" that Yz125 is a peaky little bike, all top end, take an expert to ride one in a race,,,
  4. Welcome mark, lots DT fans on here,,, and lots of info in old threads,,,,
  5. Aye litte,j" check out speedshop, www, hes a member on here, they doe remakes of CDI, for lots of models,,, sooting up plugs, shes running ritch,,, check float levels, and air filtre.
  6. Hi" why not get oversize piston, & rebore, much less expensive
  7. Welcome ian,,, could be spring on pawl on shift drum, not a biggee, does the lever feel sloppy, its funny how you cant select any gear, if it was gearbox or selector , it would jump out of certain gears, not lose ALL
  8. Well JC" theres a lot of troubles with a swap, wiring/ line -up of sprocket- rear wheel, mountings,, is the original engine goosed "?
  9. Holy shit gizmo" your lucky to be alive, thats unimaginable, bonnie bike tae...
  10. Welcome Carrot" fire your questions in workshop ,etc,,
  11. Agood informational thread yung fella "
  12. Welcome carlacher" short and sweet, not much info,,,,enjoy the forum,,
  13. good news jayda " it was far to nice to part out,,,,
  14. Welcome john", aha " you bought the DT400 mx,,,, good bikes av had a few, bring it to the Squires meet next year, av Got a fancy fot a 250Mx again,,, in the white this time,,,
  15. Saw oltimer pass on the gold Triumph, Cynics clip , cums up private,,, wtf,,
  16. A wee run satursay norning for fuel pat, to the usual station,, the rain wasna heavy on fri, just nagging enuff , dark at 8 pm now too.
  17. Welcome shawn" ,,, more info on your proflie will halp with meets in your area,,
  18. , i was at Frazerburgh classic in May, Met AndyAP50, and stevie ,they have an X7 , and H2 triple, do you know them,, Am in Forfar ,, by rhe way,,
  19. Good to see you Al" hes some piccys,,, Drewps still in bed Kev about to give the Lc350 , welly at drewps door.
  20. Nice chunky little Xt grouch"o [ marx] ,,, you shoulda popped over to Squires on saturday, you being in yorkshire, pass you test, and get a DT250 MX . cheap reliable, under 33 bhp. you"l love it,,,
  21. Allo allo allo" whats all this then, Another Dt owner in N/;E alba" thats my neck of the woods dave, welcome , and wheres exactly,,,
  22. Made it back by 2.45pm... 6 Hrs,,,,, compared to 8hrs on trip down on friday,,, less cage drivers on a sunday, Great turnout of bikes on run,, 96 2 Strokes becky said, one seizure , an RD250 on the infamous Garraby Hill, We got lost on ride-out as usual, there, and coming back . some great overtaking manovers on the DT"s I scalped that old 1950"s bus on the A64, to leave the posse in my wake,,,
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