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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Plasebo effect" , i wouldn"t believe a word oil company"s say, they only understand Profit ,,, Everone posts have facts in them , Detonation[ knocking] all true, They say 2 strokes run cooler on high octane, - When we were at Spa " this year , some members were filling with Avgas" that super super high octane, Well i never got passed by them, untill my brakes were shot,[ fade-warped] .. plasebo i think,,,
  2. Welcome mike" thats some picture, looks like the taliban,, post up in projects with the enduro,,,
  3. Welcome hendry" i saw a thread on here wth that picture,,, somone will chime in ,,,
  4. Welome crazy" whats the DT,,,,MX -----or twinshock,,,,
  5. Is there such a thing as a bad Muff" .........................................
  6. Yip D.I.Y. like cynic " cudna afford garage fees, started helping older mates at 16 , removing engines, [1970"s cars blew engines no end] i stuck to the same make,[ Viva"s] coz i knew every nut and bolt, on a sat morning after a night in pub, had a engine to shift, Undid all bolts cable etc, stood on the inner wings , coupe of old fan belts round engine mounts , lift engine on to front pannel, then jumped on ground , bear hug, and thew old engine to the side , All before my mates appeared to fit replacement , had her running by 11am, The good thing is , you pick up so many tricks, i think bikes are great [ pre electonics] eo work on, as thers plenty of accessm wiring is still a mystery, after shifting engines on the TS250, i have no headlight, and the red/white wire from rectifier is unplugged, hve looked at 3 diagrams, and thers no socket [ red/white] for it ,
  7. G"day, take of the magnito cover, with ignition on, get someone to kick it over, while you look thru windows of flywheel, the darker the better, if no spark at points, they could be worn[ closed] or the condencer fked, or earthing against back plate, if she was running rough, i would say adjust points, that don"t look like my condencer,
  8. Heh foam"e,, , i have the dt175 in the spare room, lack of space in garage, no condencation is a plus
  9. Disconect the cable down at the wheel jon"o, stick the cordless drill on cable, might be reverse , see if she spins the needle, if it does " then its the drive in front wheel,,
  10. Yeh fk em foam"e, hes an impatient arse, A postal order, Fk me , lastbtime i used them was in the 1960"s. and then it was allow 30 days for delivery, , i v had no bother as a buyer, and only 1 dick negative"d me , coz i sold item before end of auction, if he had read down listing ,ITEM NOW SOLD , but naw the prick was still bidding, and thot he"d won it,
  11. Evening" Thats an add on, someone didnt like the oil splatter on rear obviously, it should slide out, Look like a rivit holding it in ,,,
  12. Welcome rowlyd" 10 years, them carbs musta needed cleaning, and brakes unseized eh "
  13. I would renew the coils if needbe" as sometime in torrential rain, miles from home, their gonna short, any tubing will have capillary action, , whats coils £25.
  14. Welcome luke" thats a propper intro, well done in the pass by the way ,,, Look in F.a.questions, for ptcture posting,,,
  15. Foam"e , you could be right about the DT50, Just look at AP50"s - fs1e , garelli- gillera, all are desirable coz we learned on them. Look at us , we all have DT175"s . so maybe the DT125 lc, and YBR125, , Thing is i can see Electric bikes and cars in less than 10years, it will be genoside to the internal combustion engine, as it did to steam, and horse,
  16. Are you shure you have ALL the wires conected, i,e. thers usually a small wire to solinoid , It being the one from switch, You have red/brown heavy cable [ live], black heavy, [earth] and a small [ usually brown] Switch -on a spade , on solinoid, just fitted a new starter today , and thats the settup,,
  17. Extorsionate b*sds " ,, If they [ garage staff] came to me to have building work done, and i said £50 per hr. what do you think they would say, So them so called Fitters , charge upto £80 perHr, and think we should pay up. The way i see it, if the job on my Motor is more than a weeks wage , f*k it , i take a week off and fix it my self, Did this last year, when my landy gearbox lost 5"th & reverse , took 2 days , to strip box , and drop in a discovery inards,[ box i had spare,] , would have been £1000, at garage, Grouch"o if you earn £400, a week, you could have took 2.5 days to fix that,,,rather than give them greedy fukers £195 ,
  18. Welcome ross" you"l be busy tommorw eh,,, [ churcher]
  19. Oh aye" big sye wanting to do that too, more info near time of details [ bookn tunnel etc,,],
  20. Hello der patrick " that be the War graves run ?
  21. Naw merv" riding all the way, leaving thursday [ sept 8th] 2 of us , riding to yorkshire , meets yorky members , heads down to Turnbridge wells, [fri] Attend rally, leave sunday for tunnel with French members , to paris, Then south and beyond, no timescale, no rush,, headin to St.tropez,
  22. Aye grouch"o , it will be the bike that has icon status, [ now] as it was when we were young, And its the first model of the range that is the most desirable, Honda CB750-4 its the 1968 sandcast model thats N0 1, The 1972 Z900 . the 1969 H1 500 Triple, 1981 LC350 yam, I can see The YZF R1 1998 model , Vmax, hiyabusa, early Fireblade, ZZR1400, All were ground breaking,, and will be remembered. Cheap enuff just now ,,, but will escalate when the riders reach an age to wear rose tinted glasses,,
  23. Yeh matt" for little CC"s , the twostroke engine punches above its weight, howz about The KR1s , 250cc 60bhp, [ thats 240bhp per litre ] top whack 137mph, i rode one 2 years ago, it sounds like a moto Gp 250, awsome,,, hers my mate in 1986 ,,, on the fastest 2 stroke LC 500 ,,,
  24. Well done nev" you can turn em round quick,
  25. Just emailed a engine rebuild company,, does your piston have windows ? the old models are solid, Rm250 looks same, http://www.roadanddirtperformancebikeparts.co.uk/
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