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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Ah jeff" if i mind, its a smaller key for steering lock. you can loosen all the fork bolts to square steering,, . Ibet its the true millage too. as these were no cruisers . i"v never seen a high milage trail bike,, except Airheads,,
  2. yip" little ped would see off a lotta cars at the lights,,,
  3. Well done you" i hate wind and rain when riding and tenting,, And you picked up the Tiger,,,,
  4. I went for Spada felix " much cheaper,,,
  5. Introduce yourself" then ask the Taskmaster, hes an FJ boffin
  6. Here lookee " https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=yamaha+dtr+exhaust&site=webhp&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=YSmuUofcI8ed7Qa5_wE&ved=0CFkQsAQ&biw=906&bih=434#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=ZNhWnLRPCFCPWM%3A%3BSVjY0UAPcrOiNM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.motorcycleraceparts.co.uk%252Fshopimages%252Fproducts%252Fextras%252FARROW_Yamaha%252520DT%252520125_Exhaust.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.motorcycleraceparts.co.uk%252Fproduct.php%252F2768%252Fyamaha-dt125r-x-04-06-arrow-exhaust---expansion-chamber-only%3B1200%3B1200
  7. I like it ... a few more photo"s would be nice,,,
  8. Outa tune drewps " like yourselll ... onset of dimentia repeating yoursell,,,
  9. Hi shropshire" they"l be an answer , but best post up questions in workshop,,, will get more views ,,,
  10. Musta missed this,,, The front fender is rare with the stay"s,,, the pattern fenders are for the coffin tank RD",, yours is the round tank type.. Might be worth restoring , as N.O.S. will be a fortune,,,,
  11. Hi JD" Post you problems in workshop. as these welcome posts are not viewed by many,,,,
  12. Hi tokheim" lots of daggy info on here,,,
  13. I thought this was a lost bike post I do know Hampo " the rd500 owner,,,glad he got them back,,
  14. Either of them answers" or primary gear [ bolts on end of crank] maybe loose,, it drives the clutch basket,, i changed a basket once , and the gear on basket mismatched [ thru wear ] the primary, sounded like a Screw compressor at speed,,
  15. Aye seen this ,,, canna match a bike off the lights tho,,, thers lots of this type o vids , great viewing A few stats for yeh,,, The H2 750 Kwaker, [ 1972] 1/4 mile in 12.3 secs. .... 40 years ago... so all them electickity and big BHP of the cars = 1 sec ,,
  16. Hi welshy" better get them brakes stripped,,,,, thers a few celts in here too..
  17. Yip" coming on Mac" .. A little question, why did they change the XT250 to mono-shock,,?
  18. An engine will redline in neutral with a just whiff of fuel. underload" it needs lots, so i think its fuel starvation,, That 10.5 k rev on its own, sounds like throttle cable or slide sticking,,,
  19. Hi tigger " funny there was a faller at the DBF toyrun on sat, ,,, i wonder,,,
  20. I think you"d be quite dissapointed Newman" i had the mono DT400 in 1980, i was beaten by an XT250, ,,for top speed, i did hav a pillion on ,, but we were both 11 stone,,,,
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