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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Aye martin" go for the exchange motor, there plentyfull . its a major job, pop up to the new members section , and post,
  2. Hi mike " a ybr I see , been good to yeh I hope ?
  3. The nickname is ItaLian pish, .. joking aside I like the SEI, hERE,, # https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Yl6VggxenA
  4. Aye meaty " I think if the journey is too long, it don't matter what gloves you"ve got on , wind chill is gonna get you, I have a thinsulate lined glove , and hand guards on the Tiger, still get cold, mind you its f**n freezing up here today, Met a guy yesterday" he commutes on a quad every day.20 miles 6 am , he has big gloves, room to stuff them chemical heat soarse things, [ break them and generate heat,] he say its the only thing that keeps him going,,
  5. Hi jonn"o, that second phrase conjours up some thots
  6. Stock DT250MX ">http:// IT250, ">http://http://s1110.photobucket.com/user/Blackhat750/media/IT250PORTING.jpg.html'>
  7. Compare it to the new 70 cc barrel , porting is a trick business
  8. Well luke " see the last post ? , same engine number as yours,
  9. Spray and give it time,,, do that piston too, its manky ,,
  10. This mix will pull in. [ capillary ] spray it In [ mix up fliuid and fill an old window cleaner bottle ]
  11. Ok luke " the best penetrating fluid is ATF-acitone mix ,,, = nail varnish remover,&Auto transmission fluid. spray that in there
  12. Hi luke " I like the Aerox , you can tune them , good price,,,
  13. Yeh slicey" they give more mpg, coz the usually run lean, And lean 4 strokes burn valves, that slight hesitation drewps will be the too much air/fuel , That illuminator I had was too rich, to the point where it woulnt run when hot[ splutter -black smoke] I whipped off the air box, and ran down road ,it was great with nowt on carbs, it would bog on W.O.T, but if you pulled on choke [ thumb lever] it was like a turbo coming in,, the rich prob was Keichin carbs mixture screws were 4.5 turns out ,[ stock was 2 turns] them keichins mixture screws are at the front of carb body = out for rich, installed airbox and ran good after that,
  14. Good point merv" the new Tiger800 xc returns 65mpg,,,I think the japs are still playing catch up with triumph, If you told anyone that in 1975 they would have laughed their head off, I would up the front sprocket 1 tooth to shift the vibe speed,,, talking of this ,when I had my H2 ,Triple, I ran 16tooth &mate ran 15,[standard,] when on motorway he wanted to run 85mph, to beat the vibes, but this left me in the vibe range , after a while your feet slid off the pegs,
  15. Hi rinski " your numbers don't come up on list,,, starting with a 3 points to IT 125. 1980"s , 3r9 or 3r6 ,,IT175, No 3TT "s Have a proper look,,,
  16. That's the Xmas to yoursell then ,,,
  17. http://youtu.be/L2fnMjOr8yMHere , for the guys that failed there German A level at School.. http://youtu.be/L2fnMjOr8yM Bugger this embed,
  18. Welcomen bob " a few draggy owners in here for tips,
  19. , I will post a picture of the stock DT250, and a pic of the IT250,,,the ports are massively different,, You have a P.M. .[MESSAGE]
  20. Hi wolfie " see your looking at the Tracer FJ-09, good move I"d say,,
  21. It was the earliest pre-view of the FJ-09, Tracer,,, but since then its been on Bike show live, Euro- sport ch 411 Its deffo a threat to the adventure bike market,,,am gonna test ride it in the spring,,, I hope its not better than the Tiger,,,,,av just got that ,,
  22. Thinkn about reeds [boysen] for the DT250, I have 2 spare jugs,[ barrels] may experiment this winter,
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