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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. I like the sound of the 2 x 100cc barrels great Engineering,, Whats the supermoto, Husaberg,, did you watch the CR500 link,,?
  2. Brilliant pics,,,love the 200
  3. There was 140mph winds on cairngorms last night, and yeh there was fools up there to be rescued, some young attention seekers, risking rescuers lives,
  4. Aye Fabio , there beasts,,,here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5SVy2PyxEU
  5. Remember " the old style pistons, had no windows, did these windows not come in with the introduction of Reeds, / the purpose of getting the charge of fuel into the crankcase earlier ,, Never had any issues with small ends on my H2, it was old piston type, I think after market Small ends are suspect,,nowadays, I always use OEM,
  6. Aye chapsta, when rebuilding a 4 stroke usually you test the head [ valve seatings] by turn head up. and pour fuel into the head, to see if it leaks by the valves, when you had the head off , you shouda ground the valves ,= better compression , You need a compression test now,,,this will reveal all. Anyway, you did 4000 miles,,did you check the oil level in this time,?
  7. Aye whitley" go on u-tube, thers lots of tricks in dismantling and cleaning, its the must watch manual nowadays,
  8. Welcome rab " thers a few irish members in here, divvy will be tame compared to your old race bikes,,
  9. Yip mike, go Wiseco , they make pistons up to 2.00 over size, lots in USA, have a browse and see, Forged pistons and are very hard waring Look - in USA, 60.96 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NOS-Yamaha-YR1-60-96mm-pistons-2-/111213147190?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item19e4d1f436
  10. Hel=low rick,, gotta be the shortest intro y et,,
  11. Yeh sounds like pistons holed or the rings are stuck in the grooves, that oil light just coming on sounds a bit suspect,,
  12. Do more rally's,, Brighton"s on the cards , Fs1E in may ..
  13. Welcome inn supernova " 125 I see ,
  14. I"v sat on one simon, very tall, they"re meant to be a weapon, very light and powerfull, 48bhp.
  15. It just shows you that the weather will dissolve All human constructions after a few thou years they"l be no trace of civilization,,
  16. Hi twiz " another dt owner , enjoy the topics,,,
  17. Aye jim, if it intermittent fault, its hard to find, ,,its inlimination process , coil could be breaking up when hot,, av see brillo pads in fuel tanks, that swish about , causing intermittent faults ,
  18. Ok " so why was the piston chewed up. usually lack of oil, the fuel is pressurised by electric pump on injection systems, so that's normal,
  19. Hi chapsta " post you probs in the sections below,,, and we"l see whats up,,,
  20. Welcome BP" , yet another DT fan good stuff, start a resto thread in the section below,,,
  21. Heres a good off road and E rated .[ road use, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/301152007223?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT.
  22. Welcome inn ash" another DT fan
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