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  1. bobbylove replied to T Rex 850's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi i'm in Bury Lancashire. Maybe it's something to do with the North west weather but i'm having exactly the same problem. Thought it was the rain getting into the coils but today it's been totally dry but everytime i slow down or stop at the lights i have to keep blipping the throttle to stop it from stalling. Have been caught out a couple of times while filtering and had some embarrasing moments pushing bike across two lanes of moving traffic. Most of the use the bike gets is commuting in all weather so i've decided it's got to go (making way for an MZ baghira) but i need to know what the prob is because don't want to sell it while it's like this. I'm convinced it's an easy problem to fix. I'm gonna take tank, filter off etc and get in there and give it all a clean and dry out. Also gonna whip the spark plugs out to see if the colour gives me any indication of whether the carbs are at fault. Suspect it may be running a bit rich. Anyway, please let me know how you get on and i will do the same, hopefully we'll get to the bottom of it. Best Regards - Rob. P.s i'm a new member as well, first post.