Everything posted by ShoKz
Scottish Bike Show
The biggest biking event in Scotland and get ready for the MCN Scottish Motorcycle Show 2009 at the Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston, 14th & 15th March. i will be going, as press AAA. Who is all going, if you are we can all meet up. let me no.
Next time you go to pull a wheelie, think.....
lol i pull wheelies all the time seen this video ages ago tho, it happens..
He's home!
nice one Goff, looks a cracker 2 new bikes within 2 months wish i had your money
I gots me a Jawa :D
keep us updated with pics and info mate i no nothing about these bikes, but it would be good to see your progress.
I gots me a Jawa :D
i agree money wasted
R6 - Owners Club?
TazR6 from this forum is in that club pm him, im sure he will be happy to tell ya the address
indicator wattage on ybr125
i tried fitting arrow indys a while back and they didnt work at all good luck in getting smaller indys.
finance on a bike?
most garages wont offer finance if you are under 21
Site will be down from 1300 GMT Tuesday 3/Feb
The banner doesnt work mate
Who else rode through snow today?
to deep to go out here.... i would if i had a dirt bike maybe but suicide on my 600
YZF 125
if that... waste of money
Site will be down from 1300 GMT Tuesday 3/Feb
its snowing so you think lets go in and go on the yamaha forum, but you cant its kool, hope the move goes alright
YZFR1 2008 baffles
there isnt a way to remove the baffles on the standard exhaust if you are looking for cheap exhausts try looking at " viper " exhausts
how fast is fast?
today gabby was a good day for the bike, up our way i was doing some stupid speed today, cause the roads were dry gota have some fun eh
Worst and Best looking yamaha?
there is already 2 threads 1 is called " the best yamaha of all time " other " the worst " k thx
- More Ink
Organ donors?
yea its just greedy to keep them
Best complaint letter ever
rofl cakes good stuff!
DAS just passed!!!
welldone mate get some pics up? you restricted?
car drivers
i notice you get more respect if you are on a big bike i get less respect from drivers on my 125, but when i am on my 600 its a diffrent story
What makes a streetfighter?
for some of the work involved it can be very expensive !
New tyre already!!!!!
you have a super sport mate that is a good milage for it ! i no some lads with sport bikes and they get about 2000miles out a tire
My 2006 r6 camel colours
looks awsome bud pazzo leavers? i hope the bike is only out for pics, dont wana take that her out in that weather
got me new bike!
thats nice but i want pics