Everything posted by ShoKz
Alan Duffus Yamaha R1 Launch night, Friday 27th of Feb.
put my name in it ! if i win i will give u half of it
- urr
Alan Duffus Yamaha R1 Launch night, Friday 27th of Feb.
if i had known this last week i would have came thro and stayed at my house in fife... but as i am working i wont be able to
- urr
- to wh
Good idea, but i dont think we should have this ... the only reason we have got this mod is because handai got a week ban. just my opinion.. i run a huge site with 133k members and barley even use it then, so using it here sounds daft. anyway i will stop moaning, whatver makes ya happy eh..
Wheelie crash at 90mph with helmet cam
i love how the guy just walks over to him he wasnt even running, you would think that he would eh
Another Newbie from Norway
my friend had a MT 03 , it looked superb! he was 6 foot 2 and it was fine for him. Make sure you get the baffles with the exhaust, when my friend had the arrow system in without baffles he was getting pulled within 5 min of going out. the bike has a good amount of torque and gadgets, you will find it great i bet! and welcome to YOC, im Dave.
how to de-restrict a 2005 xt125x PLEASE HELP
try using the search function.
how fast is fast?
nice ninja, was out with one a day ago, over takin at 145mph+ on A roads they are quick bikes note* closed private roads
worst injury
is it just me or isnt this topic from 2004... epic bump
ee chuffed ta bits
lucky lad there divster looks nice and clean set you got there ! that idiot dumped that eh..
undecided about what exhaust to get
i got a blue flame exhaust, its lovely
whats wrong with these people?
thanks alex that ********** was getting to alot of people there always one now and then who has to take things to far
down shifting
lol from the lad who had a 125 a few week ago... fantastic.
A Crash pic
find out how bad the damage is 1st mate last thing u want to find its a bent frame...
- Cans???
kids going pillion
i take my brother on it all the time, he is 10 no problems...
Tinted visors - Whats the deal?
they have to let a certain ammount of light in. mines is illegal and says " daytime use only " on it never had any problems tho here is me looking like a tit with it
check this out
thats from the dvd stu-pid riding i got it its on youtube link is http://www.youtube.com/user/crazylegs187
Scottish Bike Show
gabby i am planning on all of use meeting up here, if yer up for it i will be on my hornet
- Scottish Bike Show
Scottish Bike Show
hey ricky u should come http://www.scottishmotorcycleshow.com/
Scottish Bike Show
u aint takin ure bike to a bike show lmao yes i work for a media company therefore i get in for free
Scottish Bike Show
hey bud, the exup is of the books the now maybe next year... no room in the garage anymore and i aint keeping any bike outside. yes defo meet up, stonsie from this forum is coming aswell and a few others