My 2000 Yamaha R6 5EB
will get a proper pic sometime in the next few days
My 2000 Yamaha R6 5EB
well that exhaust is now of and i got a nice carbon stubby on
My 2000 Yamaha R6 5EB
This is my new bike folks what do you think?
Bye Thundercat! Hello R6
got told about it on bcf mate! http://www.r6ers.co.uk/index.php
My 97 Thundercat
nice one mate here is mine
Bye Thundercat! Hello R6
Hey folks.. well i have just traded in my thundercat for a 2000 reg r6 its a cracking bike! pick it up friday does anyone know if there is a r6 uk owners club? cheers davy
lucky sod! i wish i had one of them.. maybe one day
thundercat 600
hey mate, i got a service manual in pdf format, if you want me to upload it for you?
Back to the Yammys!
well the sun has finally came out in scotland Sorted the bike with some new tyres, and the diffrence is night and day ! Got a few goodies waiting to be put on aswell Went a run tonight here is some pics ( camera phone pics ! ) Not bad for a phone eh?
Happy birthday 2 U, Happy birthday 2 U, Happy birthday
thanks guys! Yes i was out blasting round the back roads on my new rubber then drinking lots of beer! Thanks for this thread
Thundercat engine
Hey folks, i am looking to do some moddifications to my thundercat motor. I am wondering if the thundercat shares it engine with any other yamaha? i am sure it does, i just dont know what Any help/advice would be great. Thanks Davy
Back to the Yammys!
Thanks folks! She is great to ride, for a 97 reg, the engine feels so tight and smooth. Very happy with her! Only downside is, i hate the tyres, not my cupa tea. Gona slap some dunlops on asap
Back to the Yammys!
thanks for the kind words
Back to the Yammys!
Here she is, my thundercat! Picked her up last night! according to the seller, this is her dirty! comments welcome
Scottish bike show
i will going on the sunday this year! and i will be on my thundercat ! :D
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