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  1. PAPAMACK replied to PAPAMACK's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    dont know of anyone local to me im in fife scotland near edinburgh. dont want to break anything trying it myself so think im gona have to look into that. thanks
  2. PAPAMACK replied to PAPAMACK's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    have blown out the jets but theres one i cant get out as the housing is bured over preventing it coming out. any suggestions on what i can do would be appreciated?. will try some carb cleaner on it aswell dont really want to have to buy another carb as there bloody expensive. compression seems good and is creating a good vacum so its deffinetly the carb. thanks
  3. PAPAMACK replied to PAPAMACK's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    ok tap is working fine and the bowl is filling up so seems like one of the jets has to be blocked. havent been able to check the float height yet as i cant find the haynes manual. is the float height likely to cause tthis kind of problem? was trying to find somewhere online that sells jet kits for dtr but cant seem to find any. thanks again
  4. PAPAMACK replied to PAPAMACK's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    ok just been out and tried bumping it down a steep hill in third and nothing at all didnt even fire. cleaned plug and kicked it and nothing cleaned plug again lil bit easystart and fired again but still wont start. have took the carb off and brought it in the house gona strip it down and cleaning it also going to check float height. bloody pile of crap i would take the engine back but the guy was much bigger than me lol.
  5. PAPAMACK replied to PAPAMACK's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    will give that a try and let you know how i get on. was trying it in second gear and wasnt much of a hill so might help. thanks and anymore suggestions would be great thanks
  6. PAPAMACK replied to PAPAMACK's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    havnt done compression test as dont have tester. plug is dry after couple off kicks but will foul up after about 20 kicks and several swear words and seems quite oily . squirting easystart into the airintake and it fires but doesnt start. thanks
  7. PAPAMACK replied to PAPAMACK's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    not sure about the starter jet but has a choke but dont know how to check it is working. its a flatslide mikuni carb. the strangest thing is when i try bumping the bike it wont fire at all but does off the kickstart. i havent got a clue why it would be doing that so any ideas would be a great help.
  8. PAPAMACK posted a post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    hi ive got a husqvarna wr125 1991 with a yamaha dtr 125 1996 engine in it but i have been unable to get the engine started since fitting it. it has good compression and im getting a good spark it will fire with a bit easy start but wont actually start. i have tried fresh fuel/2 stroke cleaned out carb/jets although there was one i couldnt get out but blew it all through with airline and seemed ok. i am premixing the fuel/2stroke in the tank at 30/1 is this a good mix? any help would be much apreciated as i started this project over a year ago and its driving me mad now. thanks all
  9. PAPAMACK replied to PAPAMACK's post in a topic in The Bar
    yea was gone when i bought the engine the guy i bought it off just pre mixed it in the tank but cant remember the ratio. any ideas? thanks
  10. PAPAMACK posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    HI can anyone please tell what the 2 stroke mix is for a DTR125 engine Thanks David
  11. PAPAMACK posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    HI can anyone please tell what the 2 stroke mix is for a DTR125 engine Thanks David
  12. ok thanks i will take some pics tonight and put on 2moro. is there any features on the engine/cdi unit that will help to age the engine? as far as i know it has to be newer than 1988 so think you could be right about 93. thanks again.
  13. hi all just a wee question hope someone can help. i bought a yamaha dtr engine to put in my husky but have never been able to figure out what year it is does anyone know how i tell this? the engine number starts 3MD. thanks.
  14. got the screw out and cleaned carb and jets out havnt put back on the bike yet so dont know if its done the trick or not(bloody hope so) going to try start bike tomorow thanks again.
  15. ok thanks pedz. ill give that a go managed to get two of them out so at least its just one to try drilling. thanks again and i will let you know how i get on.