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Everything posted by Goff

  1. Keep your eyes open on Evilbay if you dont want to fork out for new honey. Yes you are (right in thinking not thick lol) The V Star is the American version, they are named Dragstar over here and on the continent - exactly the same bike. Mine was imported from the US and had the V Star name on the tank, whereas yours has the Dragstar name, but they are exactly the same bike honey. You may also notice when looking for bits that it is also called the 650a -which refers to the Classic model we have. Give me a call if you see something and you're not sure!
  2. Goff replied to The Hammer's post in a topic in Naked
    The only thing i can think of is that it has a restrictor kit on it which will restrict it to 33bhp - but thats not a lot considering the XVS650 only has about 40bhp anywhooo lol. If it has one fitted they are easy to remove and are under the carbs. Im not sure what the law is in the States regarding restrictor kits and if theres any requirement to have one, but it certainly wouldnt have been factory fitted i dont think. Other than that i dont know, as a restrictor kit is designed to make your motorcycle sluggish and slow which sounds like the problem you have!
  3. Goff replied to R6-Matt's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Welcome to the forum. And thats a very nice bike you got yourself there - you'll have loads of fun on that
  4. Goff replied to R6Jools's post in a topic in Naked
    1. Spritz the sticker and the area around it with a little WD-40. The WD combined with the heat will dissolve the adhesive along the edges of the sticker, making it easier to peel back. 2. Allow the WD to sit for a few moments, and then begin warming up the sticker and the immediate vicinity with a hairdryer. You don't need to get the area blistering hot, and remember, you are working with a painted surface. Overheating the area can cause the paint to soften, making it easier to scratch. 3. As the sticker warms up you'll feel the surface become more pliable. When it does, start at one corner and slowly and carefully peel up the edge. 4. As the sticker lifts, apply a little heat to the leading edge. If the sticker starts to melt, ease up the heat. If it tears at some point, don't panic—you can remove the remnants later. 5. Once the sticker has been removed, wash down any leftover adhesive with WD-40, then use a clean rag to wipe the residue away. HTH
  5. Goff replied to R6markm's post in a topic in The Bar
    Welcome to the forum
  6. Goff replied to felixfly's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Im not familiar with the XVS125 as i have a XVS650, but mine was doing this not so long back - fire her up - was idling a bit chuggy, then touch the throttle and she cut out. It was just simply a case of adjusting the choke! Im assuming the XVS125 has one though? HTH and let us know how you get on.
  7. Goff replied to kendrix's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I have a V Star 650 Classic and i have put aftermarket pipes on mine. They arent V & H but i guess it dont matter what they are tbh. I have a Silvertail Pro S 2 in 1 system (see pic). When i wanted to fit them i was advised by my mechanic to undo the battery, fit the exhaust, reconnect the battery, leave it for about 15 minutes and let the ECU do the work, then fire it up - bike sounds awesome and i've not had any problems with it at all. Well - cept the bloody tarnishing on the pipes, but im hopefully gonna get them chrome plated next week I think most aftermarket pipes are prett much plug and play for the Star models, although theres lots of conflicting advice out there. Why dont you put the pipes on and see how the bike feels. If you think it needs rejetting after a couple of rides then go for it.
  8. Goff replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in The Bar
    Now THAT would be worth a trip to the US to see the crate being opened - its one of them "never to be seen again once in a lifetime" moments. If you do find out where it is, be sure to let us know!!
  9. Goff replied to R1evad's post in a topic in General
    Its GOFF - i am a girly lol I know a couple of folk who have failed their CBT - several times so she's not on her own! I agree entirely. Its really confusing when you buy a newer car though cos you expect it to be cheaper than you're older - bigger engined model - and a lot of time it isnt - but folk dont realise its not engine size that counts anymore but CO2 emissions, and theres where people such as yourself who are trying to downsize to something they think is going o be better and cheaper, get caught up and dumped on from a great height.
  10. Goff replied to R1evad's post in a topic in General
    Thats because if your car was registered after 2001 the cost is different. It goes off CO2 emissions and your Astra puffs out quite a bit. If yor Omega had have been registered after 2001 it would prolly have been more expensive. The reuqirements changed didnt they - used to go off engine size - now goes off Emissions. See Here If its only 6 miles each way to work in the morning and a bit of shoppin at the weekend - get her a flippin bike! Complete with Givis theres plenty of room for the shoppin, and will save you a fortune! Failing that a pushbike with a basket!
  11. Goff replied to stoph's post in a topic in The Bar
    Welcome to the site Stoph
  12. Goff replied to KeithK's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I've just put custom pipes on my 650 and - after talking to my mechanic - theres no need for rejetting - bike is running sweet as a nut and the pipes sound fabulous. I was told to undo the battey fromthe terminals - install the pipes, then reconnect battery - wait 10 minutes then fire her up - apparently the ECU sorts it?
  13. Goff replied to purplesarah's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Yup im here alright Welcome over Sarah. You'll be fine honey - you should pass with no bother - and if you don't then that hubby of yours needs a damn good thrashin - bein an instructor an all that See above post And you can always bung the kids in the cupboard forra coupla hours while you go for a little bimble
  14. Goff replied to purplesarah's post in a topic in The Bar
    that would be me then Jeeez cant go nowhere incognito these days PM me your email addy and i'll send you the links for all the custom sites i use honey Nice to see ya over here Sarah - see ya next friday!!!
  15. Goff replied to Goff's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Do i look like a fookin Jellytot?
  16. Goff replied to leeroberts1984's post in a topic in General
    If the grips are the newer ones they should not discharge the battery tbh. I have some and ive left them on overnight with no problems. Firstly i would check all your plugs-it's possible your plugs are just gummed up, so you could try taking them out and checking them, but to be honest if you are checking them i would replace them unless you are 110% crtain that it had a service and the plugs were done. Also, have you checked the battery connections are clean and tight? Its been pretty wet so this might be the problem? How old is your air filter? Again check that. It could also be that you have a crap battery - if none of the above sorts it then try a new battery honey
  17. Goff replied to Goff's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Thanks - but theres summat dodgy about that listing - he was bidding against me for that hypercharger a couple of weeks ago - he won it and now hes selling it - with exactly the same pictures and description....looks very fookin odd to me dontcha think here's the old auction i lost: HERE
  18. Goff replied to mick jackson's post in a topic in Events, Rideouts & Trackdays
    No - but i be doing East Leeds Lions
  19. Goff replied to djlestst's post in a topic in General
    I use Oxford - never let me down and plenty of room for all me kit. My gear has always remained dry when using the rain covers even when its been lashing down. I have a tails pack and a tank bag and both turn into backpacks to make it easy to carry them round when i get off my bike. The Oxford Tank and Tailer is a great piece of kit and sounds like just what your after. -£29.99 at Busters Busters Accessories
  20. Goff replied to elmy_putra's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I cant help you - but the Passola was my very first "bike" when i was 16 - im now 38
  21. Welcome to the forum Max. I have a Dragstar 650 which im busy customising at the mo.
  22. Goff replied to Robbie's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Read any history book that documents this - the facts are staring you in the face honey - and the fact that NEITHER SIDE REALLY WON. Your point being what? They are still in the Dictionary. youshould try the OXFORD ENGLISH Dictionary, which is better known globally. I thought this might crop up - all you ever here is folk such as yourself bangin on about how they have "Irish roots" or are "of native american" descent - make your minds up!! Who said anything about wearing leathers? Kevlar jeans are just as good my dear, and a not half as hot. Nope - you got me there, i have NO idea why you feel you have to make a kist - but i do suspect its a "look how much better than you we are" list *yawn* Fact is matey, i dont really give a stuff who won what war, who invented what or whether you are indeed a fifth native american, a quarter irish, a smidgen scottish and the rest of you a mix of latino-african, ride your bike only in boxer shorts emblazoned with the american eagle on the 3rd sunday of every month and have a deep love affair with crisps/potato chips if you ride a bike that'll do for me.
  23. Goff replied to Robbie's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I am a laydee and i like to do laydees things old bean
  24. Goff replied to rare's post in a topic in Classics
    Someone might know HERE
  25. Goff replied to Serpent1uk's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    lol, is honey too nice for you dahlink?