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Everything posted by Goff

  1. lol i was only joking - i missed out the on the end!
  2. Yes i have - unlike you i do read the posts. Diplomacy? We tried that Tact - we tried that too Defensive and arrogant? - I think not - i just had enough of your childish behaviour. You clearly were not "getting it" so it was time for some straight talking - as i said - grow up or feck orf. If only people like YOU did not post the crap you did then this mayhem would not have happened You have not been around here long enough to make comments like that, so again, and i shall say it s-l-o-w-l-y I am prepared to move on from this now, but not if you insist on continuing this drivel. This is a great forum with very little aggro, and we want to keep it like that. Get to know folk and show some respect instead of posting the childish crap you have done so far. If you can't be bothered to do that then you are not welcome here - do NOT piss me off anymore Handai - my tolerance levels are running low - so either behave yourself and show some maturity or leave. Simple.
  3. You know damn well what it means - now either grow up or feck orf Keep us up to date with the progress, i'd like to see how it evolves!
  4. Goff

    v star

    They are popular - its just finding the right buyer!
  5. Goff

    ACE CAFE ???

    I shall be there on the 19th/20th July
  6. Any problems - or if you dont sort it just come bak and ask - and let us know how you get on!
  7. LMFAO!! That is sooooooo funny
  8. What he said. I select 5th too early sometimes but mine doesnt scream like a banshee And welcome to the site honey
  9. Are you SURE you are old enough to be a proper biker...... because making STUPID posts like this - oh and THIS: Another stupid post of yours makes me wonder...... This aint a kindergarten sunshine. Nowt wrong with a bit of double entrendre......*snigger* And will ya? And do ya? will ya??? DO YA!!!???? And can you please sort the kiddy out....thankya honey
  10. Can you do a bit of whip-crackin then.......yeeeahhhhhhhaaaaaarrrr And i have to ask - do you wear chaps too?
  11. Blerdy hell you shouldn't creep up on folk like that.....
  12. WTF??? You are UNBELIEVABLE! I have seen the PM he sent you and there is NOTHING in it that could warrant this post from you. All he said was you need to calm yourself down and stop being so damn insulting. If you cant do then then i suggest you go to another forum, because your behaviour on this one is not welcome. I think its time a moderator intervened........
  13. Goff

    new member

    Welcome to the forum honey
  14. jaysus! I have a son as old as you.............
  15. Goff

    ACE CAFE ???

    I LOVE the Ace - was over there back in March
  16. Goff

    New boy

    Ive opted for something rather more sedate these days BUT i do enjoy a good thrashin on the back of me mates GSXR thou every now n then......oh yes indeedy i do
  17. Goff

    New boy

    Welcome to the forum - used to ride a CBR600F meself not so long back
  18. The Nut Swingers Ball All day Charity Event and Bike Show Sunday 27th July at The Station Pub, Warrington Street, Ashton-Under-Lyne 11am Start DJ, Live music and Barbeque All proceeds to SCOPE - the charity for people with cerebal palsy Free Entry - All Welcome
  19. I took mine out for a looooong run in the sunshine last night - first time after putting new pipes on her - fook me she is LOUUUUUUD! I revved her up outside the house last night and the neighbours house alarm went off - i like to think it was the pipes I definitely need earplugs as my ears are ringing when i get off and thats not good. Video of my bike with the new pipes on here: LINKY LINKY But they sound soooooo much better in the flesh so to speak!
  20. FFS! Go back and READ what we have said - and also note the smileys - we are having a laugh - not insulting you. I didnt call YOU a troll directly and neither did i call you a wanker - if i wanted to insult you honey - i think i could find better ways than that!
  21. Goff


    Welcome to the forum honey - enjoy the new bike
  22. Being disrespectful about someones bike is NOT giving an opinion. Ok so you might not like what some of us have done, but coming onto a public forum and slating them is not gonna win you any friends and it is not the done thing - and yes - we DO take it personally because these are our bikes you are slating and we have spent a lot of time and money on them. If i were to come along and call you a wannabe power-ranger pussy who hasnt got a clue because all he wants to do is pose on his boring old bog-standard sportbike - then you would not like it - and i would not do it because that is what YOU chose to ride! You do not EVER come onto a bike forum and start shouting about how much you hate mods and how you dont like someones bike without expecting to get grief back - it is rude, insulting and downright disrespectful - if you were to say those things to people in person - you would probably be on the deck before you could blink. Had you said "Im not a fan of mods and i would never do them" - fine - no problem - but to then go on and pick out otehr peoples bikes and rip them to bits is NOT acceptable. Many of us on here have been riding for years and have been around a long time in the biking world - i suggest that if you want to be a part of this you learn when to keep your comments to yourself and you show some respect - because boys like you do not last very long.
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