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Everything posted by Goff

  1. Yeah...... dont bother - they are rubbish and look terrible if they dont stick properly. On the other hand if you REALLY want this thing to stick - glue it on. Me - i would return it to the shop.
  2. If they are saying it will fit, then ask them if you can return it for a full refund if it doesn't And welcome to the site
  3. Goff


    Heading out towards wales there are some fantastic roads. And theres a fabulous route ive done a few times further oop North towards Darlington area - this is GREAT when you're at a loose end of a weekend. I have it in PDF form if you want to take a look - goes from Scotch Corner, thru Kendal, Kirkstone pass, Tanhill, Barnard Castle, etc. Its 197 miles or so but its a great ride out with loads of good roads!
  4. Vasco - do youhave a local Yamaha delaer youculd go to? If so get them to print it out on headed paper for you. Just tell them whats happened and they should help. Failing that email a Yam dealer over here and ask them - if you are stuck PM me and i will call my local dealer for you see if i can get you something.
  5. Welcome to the forum honey If your licence was issued before 1st February 2001, then you can ride a 50cc moped, capable of not more than 30mph. Strangely enough, you will not need to display L plates, and you can carry a passenger if the motorcycle has a passenger seat and rear footrests. If you want to ride a motorcycle of over 50cc, up to 125cc, you must take Compulsory Basic Training (CBT), you must display L plates, and you must not carry passengers. The CBT certificate is valid for 2 years. If your licence was issued after 1st February 2001 then you will need to take Compulsory Basic training (CBT). Once you have completed this course, you will be able to ride a 50cc moped without L plates, until your licence expires at age 70, and you will also be able to ride a motorcycle of up to 125cc with L plates (no passengers allowed) for 2 years from the date you completed the CBT course. Hope this helps.
  6. Goff

    Meet Marvin

    Errrmmm....he is HUUUGE! lol - somehow i dont think theres a tank bag quite big enough
  7. Goff


    I am TRULY lost for words!
  8. Goff

    Chosing a 125.... help

    i have to disagree. I had an RS125 a few years back - it was great! That bike was nippy as hell! You do have to look after them though, but that goes for any bike really. And they do need a lot of oil, but again it depends if you can be arsed to do all that. As for warming up - it was never really an issue for me. I never had ANY problems with my RS and i highly recommend them.
  9. Goff

    hello people

    Welcome to the forum
  10. Goff

    Meet Marvin

    Marvin will be the new addition to our family in 2 weeks time. He is an 18 month old Dogue De Bordeaux or French Mastiff (or a Hooch dog! ) He is a purebreed from show winning stock It has been several years since i last had a dog, when my Collie died i was devastated. But now is the right time for another dog and so we are getting ready for Marvin's arrival....i cant wait!
  11. Goff


    Welcome tot he forum. Theres LOADS of decent rides round the Manchester and surrounding area - you jus have to know where to look
  12. Nice lookin bike for $500! My advice would be to take it to a professional polishers or else it will take you HOURS of elbow grease with autosol! If you have electric polishing mops that will make it quicker but to be honest you will get fed up half way though lol
  13. That looks very nice indeed. You've done a great job on her. And we all know that REAL men ride naked..........*snigger*
  14. Goff


    Welcome to the forum
  15. Goff


    Did you do your CBT? How did you get on? Try some anti-fog stuff on your specs - should help
  16. Yeah....course it is......
  17. Goff

    bike night

    I will be there. We will have a stand - look out for the Enfield Bullet with sidecar
  18. PMSL!!! Yeah can be done - but you need to MODIFY the frame to accomodate the tyres......
  19. Sounds like some form of dermatitis. It could be you didnt wash the petrol off quickly enough and what was left has irritated your skin - funnily enough washing up liquid does this to my hands if i dont rinse them properly. Get to the quacks if it isnt clearing up and get it sorted.
  20. Awww thank you Rob. Ive just been and got some new risers to day to try and bring the pullback a little further forward as im just that littttttle bit too stretched....im hoping they look good! I have to put the baffles in on loooooong journeys cos she's just too loud and i get noise fatigue and a bit of a headache lol, but for shorter ones they are fine.
  21. We are a decent bunch of peeps on this one, so pull up a chair, grab a cold one and feel free to join in - we don't bite - well......i only do when the moon is full..........
  22. Don't be daft - its good to have input about these things cos sometimes you find a solution where you never would have thought
  23. See my other post replying to your other post lol I was EXTREMELY disappointed with the V & H pipes - they do not tell you these are not a full system and that you need the front stock header pipe - something i did not have. Its taken me weeks to sort this out and i now have some pipes on i got from Italy - they look and sound fabulous - theres pics and a video in your other thread. Also - my Italian pipes do not have "not for road use" stamped on them either
  24. The only thing with Vance & Hines and most other after market pipes for the XVS650 is that you need the stock front header pipe as they are NOT full systems - as i found out after ordering V & H, sending them back and then ordering Highway Hawk and sending them back too! If you have the stck front header peipe its not problem, butif like me you dont, then you're stuffed. I eventually found a guy in Italy who supplied me with a full system for 250 Euros delivered - much cheaper than the £250 V & H partial and the £350 Highway Hawk partials! Mine look like this: And sound like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_nR-yI1XMo
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