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Everything posted by Goff

  1. Goff

    Motorbike Test!

    lol he doesnt eat very much at all! He's more likely to drool you to death rather than anything else
  2. Goff

    Motorbike Test!

    Well if you get something over our way let me know - you are welcome to come stay with us if necessary
  3. Goff

    Pat my test 2day :)

    Congratulations!! Welcome to our world!
  4. Goff

    Motorbike Test!

    Try phoning round a few bike schools further afield. It will be worth the travel if you can get in sooner. Here in Oldham i believe there is only a week or 2 to wait.
  5. Goff

    My baby

    I've now lost count! My foot was splattered with dog goz this morning - luckily i had shoes on Im getting used to it now - its still the most vile thing ever - but he is far too adorable to botehr about all the goz!
  6. Goff

    US Yamaha Forum

    I'll be sticking with this one too. Always thought it was rather bad manners to advertise another forum about the same thing on an already existing forum.......or maybe thats just me
  7. Ooooh you're a bit cheeky - no reply indeed - i hope you'renot always this hopeful! I have a 2003 Dragstar Classic and i run Bridgestones on mine - brilliant
  8. Yeah you do right, but the 49 state stuff will fit yours. And yes i am a girly. I too used to ride sports bikes for many years - but i got bored with them after so long and decided it was time for a change, hence my cruiser
  9. If its not Californian then its exactly the same as the rest. The European Dragstars are the same as the US 49 state V Stars - i know because mine is a 49 state V star imported from Puerto Rico and the spec is no different to the European one. The only slight difference i have is that mine has a lower Bhp - and thats all. If its definatelyt not Californian then 49 state parts will fit no bother. I have bought LOADS of stuff for mine from over here in the UK and they all fit perfectly well. The only difference in models is the Dragstar Custom and the Dragstar Classic - most parts for one wont fit the other
  10. Goff

    My baby

    Awww he is soooo cute!!!!
  11. The majority of Dragstars are standard models NOT Californian models. This only applies if your bike has ben imported from the USA. You can find out which yours is by giving the frame number to your local dealer. If it hasnt been imported from California its fine. Mine was from Puerto Rico lol The V & H bloke is saying that the Cruzers you asked about will fit the 2004-2008 Californian model or the 2006-2008 49 state model To be honest - the likelihood of it being a Californian model are slim. But be aware you NEED the stock front header pipe - if you dont have it - they will not fit.
  12. Yes they will Geoff. If the letters and numbers are not of the standard required size, or they have been altered to spell out names etc, then they will pull you just for that, give you a fine for displaying an illegal plate and send you on your way. They do it a lot round here - especially on a sunday. But i agree that there are far too many bluddy cars with illegal plates - hundreds of them near me spelling "Abdul", "Khan" or other such names. Annoys the hell out of me it does.
  13. Goff

    "Dear diary"

    that is soooooooo bad Sounds like you were indeed very lucky though honey. Glad you managed to stay upright and it didn't faze you too much.
  14. Goff

    My baby

    Lol....nahhh.......he don't eat that much to be honest. Only thieving lil scumbags who might try and toucha ma bikes......
  15. Goff

    My baby

    Has finally arrived home with us. He is 11 stone of pure muscly French Mastiff, and he's only 2 and still growing. Here is is with my OH Now lets see some scrote come TRY and nick any of our bikes............
  16. No i didnt, they were already done, However we will be doing a lot more to this baby over the winter so watch this space. I sincerely hope you are - even suggesting stuff like that will acquire you a nice pair of busted kneecaps............. And you think i'm joking..............
  17. Is there any way you can put your bike inthe foyer of the flats and lock it up there? Maybe to the stairs or something?
  18. Goff


    Prolly cos they are ugly as..........
  19. Goff


    Im Oldham way - will be riding over to Big D's in Todmorden tomorow night for me tea - heading out from here around 6 ish - will be there for a couple of hours. PM me your email address and ill send it you as its in PDF form and wont attach on here
  20. Which Dragstar? 125/650/1100? Whats your reason for wanting to do this then?
  21. Goff


    Welcome to the forum
  22. Hve you checked that none of the cables are being pulled too tight or getting trapped when you pull it hard right? COuld be something as simple as that?
  23. Congratulations honey! Welcome to our world
  24. Goff


    Welcome to the forum
  25. I use Redex in my Bandit 400 - but she is getting on a bit lol Ive used it in my 2004 Dragstar too and seems to clear out the crap. Wont do it any harm to be honest if you cant be arsed with a full service
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