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Everything posted by Goff

  1. My exhaust and sissy bar gets rust spots occasionally when its left uncovered and it rains. If the bike is dried off and covered i dont get any at all while its under the Rainex - get yourself one of them - you wont be sorry.
  2. Fuck me this thread is almost a year old and people are STILL resurrecting it - let it go ffs!
  3. Well done Maria! And good for you for thinking about doing your test! Go get em girly
  4. I am after a solid stainless steel rear wheel for my Dragstar and some boomerang handlebars - anyone know where i can get them from? Cheeyars.
  5. That looks like a very clean engine you got there.
  6. Goff

    bent keys

    What he said. Just ring round a few see what they say. Failing that you might have to get a new barrel and keys offa evilbay
  7. I have always replaced the tyre at the earliest opportunity. I would not be best chuffed if i had it plugged and it blew on me on the motorway. So depends on whether you wanna take that risk i suppose.
  8. Goff

    New member

    Welcome to the forum
  9. I have an Oxford Rainex - its fookin brilliant. It has an inner liner which protects your paintwork and is scratch resistant, and as i have a custom painted bike - it does exactly what i need it to. It has vents too so you dont get any condensation on the bike. Its kept my bike bone dry even in the heaviest rain we have had this year Its heavy so it wont blow off and has a a security strap too just in case you're worried! Bit pricier than some but well worth it in my opinion.
  10. Unless you wear high heels and a face full of slap on a bike........
  11. £150 for the artwork Seriously Although i had to get the base coat and laquering done myself - my OH did some plastering for his mate who happens to be a paint sprayer so that didnt cost anything, but if you add whatever that might cost onto the artwork i guess you'd be looking at about £400 ish? Not too sure what base coat and laquering costs these days
  12. Was Oldham Powdercoaters Bright St Oldham, OL8 4AB 0161 620 9979‎ Small firm but really good blokes. Mikey - want something a bit different than spots - i got them on the Bandit so am seeing what we can do instead with this baby. I dunno about bein lucky with the bikes - this gixxers been a 2 year project so far.......lol
  13. You go girl! I hear ya sista! Although i have just been to ASDA and bought some of that JML scratch remover advertised on the telly because im quite sad at times and cos Elvira has the TINIEST of scratches here and there - but i know they are there so they have to go dont they - but i bet its shite And its pissin down here so cant get out to clean it anywhoooo
  14. Thats only because they allow themselves to be those things - should get off their priddy lil asses and get their own bike - if they can spend the time doing themselves up like Barbie - they can spend the time doin the test. Whilst i accept that some women cannot ride their own because of various "issues" they may have, be it a disability or some other physical problem, sitting on the back of a blokes bike looking like you just stepped out the pages of Next Directory is really quite sad. Kudos to yer missus!
  15. Goff

    Is it legal?

    Just tell the glorified traffic warden to get a proper job and stop hassling folk who are obviously far too intelligent to be wearing a uniform that clearly advertises the fact they are not clever enough to become a REAL policeman *snigger*
  16. Fuckin 'ell you spend THAT long on it - wanna come do mine?
  17. Here you go - how it was when we got it: How it looks now, 2 engines later: It now has an R1 subframe on it which is being chopped off again and raised up by about 2 inches. Seat unit, frame and mudguards are pearl white. Electrics just been finished. Polished frame, polished casings, nice upside down forks etc etc etc. Cant decide on a headlight though - got 2 at mo, Hayabusa one and a Gilera one - hmmmm.....decisions decisions. Should be finished by October - just bough a crash damaged Bandit 600 too......next!!!
  18. Fuck me thats waaaayy too much! Took the slingy frame, swingarm, forks, top yoke, both wheels and a couple of other small bits and pieces for powder coating to a local place near me - £150 the lot. As for your swingarm - Black is the only way to go.......
  19. Goff


    Do not worry about it being somewhere you have never been. I took my test in Leeds - i live in Manchester - never been to Leeds on a bike before. I was really worried - but it was fine and i passed first time. Just listen carefully to what your examiner is saying and you will be fine. I do believe that when you're taking a test in an unfamiliar area you are more aware of whats going on around you - same thing happened when i took my bus licence in 2001 - it was in bluddy Huddersfield - but again i passed first time. You will be fine honey
  20. Im not questioning whether they should or shouldn't wear proper gear really - its up to them and if they haven't got the common sense to wear stuff thats going to help lessen their injuries should an accident happen then more fool them - im more curious as to why its become a fashion parade and some are more worried about their appearance as sturdeebiker touched upon. The amount of make-up some of these women wear is ridiculous - can you imagine how disgusting the inside of their lid must be with all that make up thats rubbed off - yeuk. Also - being a biker is not a clean hobby is it - lets face it - how many of you have set off for a days riding fresh out the shower and smelling all clean - only to return home later needing another shower cos you are startin to stink like a sweaty sock - i know i have, but by christ have i had a good ride out! Gas Up - what i mean by "down in the dirt" biker is that i dont give a stuff what i look like, i get dirty fixing my bikes, i get dirty riding them and i dont worry about whether im gonna break a nail or if my hair resembles a birds nest. I will drink beer, swear and chat shit with the most hairy arsed of them and fight to the last man standing if i believe my fellow biker needs me. High heels, a ton of slap and perching your arse on a pillion seat does not make a woman a biker IMHO - but it is just my opinion, humble or not - and i just dont get it.
  21. Am i the only woman who wonders WHY the fuck pillion passengers wear high heels? Went out for a bimble last night on Elvira to the local biker haunt for some food when 2 identical bikes pulled in each with a pillion. Both wearing the same jacket, jeans and high heels!! Now am i just being a grouch or am i missing something? Im a bit of a "down in the dirt" biker - i dont believe that, if you are a woman, being done up to the nines, with a face full of slap, wearing the tightest pair of keks you can find and a pair of high heels is a requirement to ride pillion, not to mention they aint gonna do much if the bike goes down - so what is it exactly that i am missing?
  22. Post pics of the bike and lets havea look first.
  23. The V Star is the US version of the European Dragstar - yes they are the same - just a different name.
  24. Im not sure what you're on abou there. Is the bike starting?
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