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Everything posted by Goff

  1. No need to get personal. You asked for opinions - you got them - you tore them to pieces in a rather arrogant way and have now resorted to personal insults. If you think WD-40 is the dogs bollox for everything then go ahead and use it as you see fit. You have been given nothing but sound advice here, if you dont agree with it - fine - you dont have to - but deliberately winding folk up will not do you any favours.- i suggest you wind your neck in and behave.
  2. Let us know how you get on. A cable shouldnt be that much money and at least, if your twiddling hasnt sorted it you can replace it and elimate that and look at somethign else if the problem persists. Good luck.
  3. Never had a problem with stone chips in my paintwork - have to be bloody big ones to cause any real damage. Mine had a chunk taken out of it during import - and it never went rusty, but ive since had it custom painted. Again, its fine.
  4. Simply a dead battery.....similar thing happened on mine. Replace it and it should give you no more bother.
  5. I do believe he didnt say there was anything wrong with them - just had anyone a comment on a better tyre. 107mph in those conditions and on a Dragstar 650 too eh - nutter you may be, some would say it was absolute suicide. Screwing the balls off the bike at 107mph wont do it any favours either. Decking the pegs out at 90 - you're determined to wreck that bike aintcha. Tyres are personal preference though. I have Pirellis on my Bandit - great tyres - but they might be shite on the Dragstar........
  6. You can do it at the lever or down the bottom near the engine or both - but i think you've tried that? I would give a new cable a go before you decide the clutch is knackered.
  7. Is the clutch cable stretched? Get yourself a new one and see if that makes any difference - they arent that expensive. I had a similar thing on my XVS560, i replaced the cable and it was sorted. My clutch is very particular and my biting point isnt fabulous and to be honest its a pain in the ass at times, but theres bugger all wrong with the clutch itself - i think my bike is just fussy lol Oh - and welcome to the forum
  8. Goff

    Admirable Auction

    Now THAT is worthy of some SERIOUS lickin
  9. Look snice - but im not a fan of the R6 at all. I reckon out of that lot you should have gone for the CBR - no one looks an idiot on a bike. Im 5ft 1 and my previous bike was a CBR600. I tried the GSXR and i tried the R6 - the CBR won hands down in all the test rides. I think you would have been better off test riding these bikes first after you've passed your test before going out and just buying one because it looks nice - I did that years ago - and i regretted it as soon as i took the fookin thing out. i do hope you are comfortable on it though - just remember though - its a powerful bike, so take your time getting used to it.
  10. Goff

    Hello All,

    Welcome to the forum Davey
  11. Goff

    Bike thief

    Just passing on the info to get the link (and the little scrotes faces) round as many forums as possible. The name and shame idea is a good one, especially as the Police/courts/legal system don't seem to be very effective. Hopefully some local bikers will be able to give them a lesson or two. I mean riding lessons............. obviously.........little bastard........ HERE
  12. I paid the shop with my debit card. It was for a set of £350 exhausts. I called the bank, i called Streamline the PDQ machine people - i called everyone i thought could help. I did eventually get my money back, but it was only after 7 weeks of him telling me it had left their bank account and it was the bank/streamlines/someone elses fault, that his girlfriend finally fessed up that they had cash flow problems and had never had my money all along - i was fuming, but i got it sorted........I was also promised fuel expenses for all the trips over to Matlock i had to make for nothing as its 120 mile round trip for me - and when i got there i got jack shit off them - another plastic promise Stay WELL away.
  13. I use a small canoe bag. Waterproof and are small enough to strap to your bike - your stuff aint gonna get wet should you get caught in the rain too!
  14. Goff

    dk motorcycles

    Warranties are worth jack shit anyway, so if you wanted to take it to a Yam dealer its not gonna cause you any problems. If in the unlikely event it does need to go back and its still in warranty then take it back to DK and get whatever it needs doing done. Ive had a couple of people i know buy from them and they havent had any problems. Having said that its the same with any bike you buy. You dont know really do you.
  15. Goff

    dk motorcycles

    Did you chase it up though? They are a big place not a crappy little company so i cant see them not sorting it?
  16. I hope you all steered well clear of the bike shop TWISTED SPANNER They are absolutely rubbish. DO NOT buy anything from them because if it doesnt fit they will promise you a refund then lie to you for 7 weeks saying that the money has gone from their account and should be with you shortly - when in fact they never had your money all along. They took £350 off me for some exhausts, then promised me a refund - after 7 weeks of bullshit excuses and promising me it wasnt their fault but a hiccup with the bank - it turns out they lied all along and had not got my money to refund. They make you promises they have no intention of keeping and just give you nothing but bullshit. They cost me time, money in petrol for visits to their shop to see what was happening and a lot of bloody stress. Steer well clear.
  17. Goff

    Hell Ride

    Me and Lee watched this the other night - absolutely BRILLIANT. Its very much like a spaghetti western but with bikers. The music and the scenery give it that old Clint Eastwood gringo movie feel. Stars Larry Bishop, Michael Madsen, Dennis Hopper, Eric Balfour, David Carradine & Vinnie Jones Im not sure when its released over here in the cinemas but hopefully it will be soon - this movie DESERVES a good screening! I found this GREAT review on the net about it and it sums up just what i thought - only better: God Bless Quentin Tarantino for commissioning Lary Bishop to make this movie. God bless the Weinsteins for coming up the with the (small) budget. It's about time somebody made a real biker movie again, but amped up to even more sleazy, ridiculous, and glorious levels than anything produced during the Golden Age of the Motorcycle Movie, 1966-1974. I would put this one up there with The Wild Angels as one of the best biker flicks ever put to celluloid. The plot and story arc and simple, tight, and move like a French TGV train: fast! It's a short movie and it flies by. Every frame stuffed with action, menace and bad-ass attitude. All the characters are interesting and well-portrayed, if sleazy, intense, and uncompromising. There's plenty of sex and the body count is high, but none of it feels gratuitous: these are violent people walking a razor's edge, tying up lose ends that have been plaguing their lives for many decades. It's all an organic part of the tale. Larry Bishop pulls off the lead role with cool detachment, and Michael Madsen is great, doing what he does best, all cocky swagger and easy dominance of the screen. Great performances all around. David Carradine doesn't have much to do, but at least he is here. Great to see Dennis Hopper on a motorcycle once again! Wearing the fringe jacket! Maybe for the last time? I hope not. Do notice the trademarked Tarantino shot of looking up from inside the small enclosed box. I guess Larry got permission from Quentin to do that. Or maybe Quentin himself filmed it; I believe he did a small amount of second-unit shooting on this film. You'll know it when you see it, it's in the last scene of the movie. I just had to laugh when I saw that shot. The Tarantino stamp all the way. If I didn't know any better, I could have been convinced that Q. actually directed this joint. If you are in any way, shape or form, a fan of biker movies, or Quentin Tarantino, or extreme film-making, or classic drive-in movie fare, you MUST check out this ride. This is one HELL RIDE you will not soon forget. http://www.hellridemovie.com/
  18. nice one! Glad to hear you got it sorted
  19. Goff

    dk motorcycles

    Yeah ive heard of them too. Ive been to their showroom a few times and I have a couple of mates who have bought bikes from them. Cant really add much more to what pilinggas has said though except they have a great selection of bikes to choose from.
  20. An ex angel with no licence and riding a 125....... which chapter were you with then? Did i say i got 110 out of my bike on a public road? I think i actually said was "im lucky if mine tops 110" - at no time did i say i had ridden it at that speed - assume nothing. And my mind is quite clear on road safety thanks very much. Coming on here to wind folk up for no reason other than you think it will get a reply and that its funny is NOT the way we do things around here. Many threads dont get answered because folk dont know the answer or miss the thread completely. Your posts are full of smart comments and wise cracks, and serve no other purpose other than to wind folk up - and you seem to know it all so why should we even bother?? We had one like you not so long back - he didnt last too long. You are more than welcome on this forum - but your comments made to deliberately wind people up are not.
  21. You could always put a hypercharger on it........... But Old Git is right - the cruiser 125's are a bit sluggish and will be no where near as fast as the race reps or sit up and begs! My 650 is slooooooooower than a snail in a virgins knickers - im lucky if it tops 110! They aint made to be fast, so if you do want something a little more pokey - what the Old Git says!
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