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Everything posted by Goff

  1. Goff


    I am a member of NAB'd Im also a member of the Virago Star Owners Club (VSOC) I dont actually ride with any club though. Agree entirely although there arent many of those kind of clubs for us ladies lol - but i do have several friends who are members of certain MCC's, and i do mix in those circles - but to me they are just my friends and always will be
  2. I do hope you mean improved..... Understood. Suggestion sent I will happily sponsor annually towards the upkeep of the site if it helps. I didn't know we could do this. I have sent you an email/comment via the annoying feedback box Done. Now sort the rest out please. How about setting a height and width limit right across the board? Oh and while you're at it, limit the number of bluddy bikes you can add under your avatar too - some peoples posts are only a few lines but end up being a mile long cos they have had 200 bikes in their time!
  3. Yesterday an annoying "feedback" tab appeared at the side of my browser when i logged onto the site and won't go away - it might go away if i leave "feeback" but i dont want to and am a tad pissed off i cant get rid of this annoying addition to the forum. And today - as if by magic - we have adverts at the top! Along with the MASSIVE signatures some members feel the need to have its all very distracting. Whats going on then?
  4. Goff

    Bike thief

    Exactly that. A neighbour of ours got a scumbag convicted of attempted theft using his CCTV footage. Also looks like one of them clocked your camera too. Get it to the police ASAP.
  5. I've had the Caligulas on about 4 months or so now. And the buying bits and pieces gets no better - you just buy more as you get older
  6. Goff

    Bike thief

    I have THREE kids Never too old for a tight fitting uniform you know Did your mam never teach you to wash behind your ears? OGOAB - What DID happen to MikeyDTR?
  7. Goff

    Bike thief

    Im guessing then that theres a compliment in there - and i thank you very muchly for it As for the wrinkles - riding me bike roudn the block a few times at a great rate of knots in an open face lid just irons them right out doncha know So you are 16? I have a son 2 years younger than you - so therefore am old enough to be yer mam
  8. Im feelin a lotta manlove in this thread right now ........
  9. Goff

    Bike thief

    Now you see, there you go with the charm - and if im about 10 years older than you that would make me 46 - which im not, and if you thought i was i would kill you with one fell swoop - even though you said im about 26 - which im clearly not.....so which is it? Would you like a bigger spade honey?
  10. Thanks for sharing those, and the stories!
  11. I think me parkingthe bike in front of him so he couldnt move anywhere, giving him a real gobful, then him being surrounded by 4 other bikers all doing the same was enough to make him whimper like a girly
  12. My god that helmet looks heeeyooooooge on her tiny head! You have a very lovely wife indeed, and the baby is exceptionally cute!
  13. Goff

    idiots in shorts

    Ok look forward to it - and yeah sorry about the hijack peeps! Idiots in shorts - i dunno eh
  14. Weeeeeel.......stupid bugger could have caused an accident and didnt even notice - or even care! And i do tend to swear a lot for a girly - specially when im peeved Unbelieveable isnt it. And it makes me soooooo mad that these myopic arseholes are loose on our (and your!) roads. A dont think the queue of traffic behind him was too chuffed that i parked me bike where i stood to give him a gobful though lol
  15. Goff

    idiots in shorts

    Looks like you had a great time with the kids - and some great roads there too! Whereabouts is that then? Thats me - and im almost 40
  16. Goff

    idiots in shorts

    Its beautiful. I have tried to stay away fromt he touristy areas but since the Tsunami Samui and phe phe have gone that way and i guess its kinda spoiled it for me. I am not jealous, no not at all...... well maybe just a little lol Keep posting piccies - brings back fond memories.
  17. You Sir, are an absolute fuckwit. Sitting in VERY slow traffic through Matclock Bath centre heading towards the top car park you were behind me. We were moving extremly slowly as it was very busy yesterday, then you - in your infinite wisdom decided you wanted to pass me on my INSIDE. You could not have gone anywhere because the traffic was so slow. You had already undertaken 2 of my friends that were behind me and whilst trying to undertake me you decided to have a chat on your fuckin mobile phone. I saw you when you pushed the front of your car level with my knee. I was sitting in the command position in the road ie the fucking middle so what made you think you could get up my inside is beyond me - had i not seen you, i have no doubt you would have taken me off. Upon stopping my bike in the middle of the road and getting off, you got off your fuckin phone and looked as me as blankly as your 3 stupid mates in the car as i gave you a mouthful. It was only when my OH and my 4 other friends gave you the same did you apologise - you weren't even aware of what you had done. So Mr Clio-driving-chavtastic-asshole-fuckwit-mobile phone-using car driver I hope i never come across you again, because believe me , i soooooooo regret not dragging you out of that car and pasting your sorry ass. Rant over. (and breathe)
  18. Goff

    idiots in shorts

    Ok ok calm down i was only having a laugh. Been loads of times to Thailand and have many friends out there. Never been to mainland Thailand - always Samui and surrounding islands. And what you say is exactly right about the riding - its mental - you have to keep up wth the flow or end up on your ass. I love it out there though, and yo ucan get to see so many places on a 'ped! And this is me in Samui a couple of years back at my mates bar: And my friend Son who owns the bar:
  19. I do belive the XV535 has a 15 inch wheel, the same as my bike. You would have to check what the 750 is - i have a feeling its slightly bigger but i could be wrong.
  20. They sound like stock pipes with the baffles in - like a wet fart in a pair of damp undies. I dont have baffles in and i never will. My pipes dont have "not for road use" on them therefore they are legal. OK i might one day get an advisory but its unlikely. I havent noticed any difference in performance whatsoever. I personally believe rejetting a cruiser is a load of old money making bollox. My cruiser has a big, thumping V Twin engine, its not a performance bike its a cruiser - steady away and all that - and is not finely tuned like the sports bikes, so rejetting IMHO isnt necessary - but its up to you what you do.
  21. Must be the late summer eh OGAB? Long dead threads being resurrected....... forum trolls suddenly appearing.............Bulletproof Monks popping up alongside Rambo's relatives......... and a myriad of other weird and wonderful things going on of late - makes me come over all sarcastic so it does......... Metallicaaaaaaaaaa all the damned way..... ROCK ON!
  22. Why? This thread is over 3 years old and this all happned WAAAAAYYY before you (or i) became a member so do enlighten us as to why you - a member of all of 3 days - want to know what he was like? Even members who have been here for years couldnt give a shit...........
  23. As far as i know they should come off in one comlete unit, and should look like this: Im sure someone with more knowledge of this bike will be along shortly to tell you a bit more.
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