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Everything posted by Goff

  1. Silicone enhanced and probably wont even ride a bike! You want PROPER biker chicks a la: AND
  2. Goff

    Motorway cops

    The justice system is crap. Why is it crap? Because the laws and punishements are decided, and handed out by Magistrates and Judges who have NO FUCKIN IDEA what its like to live in the real world. Surrounded by their expensive cars, in their expensive house, probably miles from nowhere therefore practically crime-free - they have no understanding of how ordinary people are affected by crime and the people who carry out such things. These Judges and Magistrates are all nearing pension age (and above) so were brought up in a much more law-abiding society - its time to pension these blinkered wrinklies off and employ people who actually KNOW what really goes on in todays shitty society thats full of scumbags and people who really should have been put down at birth.
  3. I'd be happy with that. Why not do a couple and put up a poll?
  4. I like that...... So we would be looking at around £2 per sticker once postage etc had been taken into account?
  5. You know what - i already have some of that as im having major renovations on my house so there is some lying about in the kitchen - im REALLY liking that idea
  6. And i have no doubt theres a few who might like to try and stick my gob shut with 'em too note the word TRY.............
  7. Well thats news to me. I have NEVER had to show my licence to any insurance company, whtehr it be insurance for my bikes or my car, and neither has anyone else that i know. I also have a PSV licence and ive never even been asked to show that to any insurance company when i have worked for a bus company, so i dunno whats going on with your insurance company Beez, but summat is definitely wrong - i would be asking questions to be honest, as its NOT a requriement of the law to do so.
  8. Ok, so its 8am on a Saturday morning, and im up and about. Why? i hear you ask, seeing as its a Saturday morning and you deserve a lie in Goff dahling, cos you worked so hard this week. Well my fellow bikers, its because of the prick who lives 4 doors down on my street. He has a VERY OLD silver Peugeot car and the exhaust is fucked. So as you can imagine its very loud. Not only that but he also has an EVEN OLDER Fiesta type car thats just as fucked and just as loud. This prick insists on revving the balls of both cars EVERY FUCKIN MORNING and driving like a madman down the cul-de-sac in front of my house to turn round! I wouldn't mind but this arsehole is fat, bald, knocking 40 and lives with his mother - and to top ot all the cars arent even nice!! Any ideas on how to stop this twat from waking us up every morning would be very welcome. A very large knife coupled with slashing motions towards the tyres has already been thought over......... FUCKIN WANKER!!!!! ARRRGGGHHHHHH!!!
  9. Its not just his gob that needs stickin shut - Can i get a large fries with that?
  10. If you sort it then let me know. Theres a few people who's gobs i would like to stick shut.........
  11. And you didnt pop in and see me forra cuppa tea *tut*
  12. Try not to worry about it. I HATE right handers and sometimes still struggle Its only when i decide i need to think about what im doing do i get it wrong. If i just get on with it without worrying whether im gonna get round and focus on where i need to be - its not a problem.
  13. Oxford heated grips are the only way to go. They do not drain your battery even if you accidentally leave them on. They have a cut off switch so will go off on their own. You can get them on Evilbay for about 35 quid. I had them on my CBR and they were fookin excellent, especially on the freezing winter mornings. As for the headlight - cant help you there but i am sure soemone with a bit more knowledge about your make of bike will be along shortly to answer your question.
  14. Theres one on my profile but if you want more PM me your email address.
  15. He posted on one that was FOUR YEARS old last week!
  16. Im sorry - i have to ask....are you for real? You haven't introduced yourself or you bike(s) and you resurrect loads of threads that are months, even YEARS old by posting absolutely nothing of interest or that could be helpful and is nowt but shite. Your profile doesnt even say that you have a bike - in fact it says fuck all! Be nice to know what - if any bike you do actually ride - or are you resurrecting old threads and bumping up your post count for some other reason? So come on - are you for real, are you a troll or you just got fuck all else better to do?
  17. Now if you had called me and asked me direct i could have pointed you in the right direction as this is an issue i have. Hence why i had these for sale: HANDLEBAR RISERS Theres fuck all i dont know about pullback and risers for the dragstar because ive been researching this for months to make sure i get the right ones, as i too am a member of the Little People Club......
  18. Post a piccie of it. I have a genuine Yamaha fixing bracket for a windshield - my bike came with that and no fookin windshield! Mine is a 2003 Classic I now have a windshield on with a different bracket so.......
  19. Really? If you READ the thread you will see his question was answered. If you got nothing better to do than troll old threads may i suggest you go do it somewhere else. Although seeing as you are resurrecting threads as old as this 2004 one HERE it seems all you are here to do is promote your own site - now that is VERY fuckin impolite.......
  20. Nope. Neither of those work.
  21. Apparently the V & H baffles are a ballache to refit - but dont take my word for it as its only what i heard. I dont put the baffles in mine at all. If you think yours are loud now then i would leave the baffles alone - but compared to mine in their current state yours are whisper quiet! Depends on whether you want them loud. I dont use ear plugs because there is no need - i kinda got used to it now, and to be honest its the vibration that does me head in more than the noise Long journeys dont bother me one bit as once you hit 70 the noise becomes a lot quieter so its not really noticeable. But seriously - if you think yours are too loud at the mo - leave them alone.
  22. They WILL have baffles in. There's a screw (allen) behind the rear tip of the exhaust, just unscrew it and pull the baffles out.
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