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Everything posted by Goff

  1. Im not really getting why you think a firefly is such a bad thing on a bloke - done right it can look rather cool. Some have said mine look like blokes tattoos - do i care? Do i fuck. WF - whatever YOU think YOU should have, is what you should go for - fuck what anyone else thinks
  2. Dont matter what anyone thinks - if someone likes it then go for it. Im sure theres a few things about you some would consider "wet"
  3. Goff

    More Ink

    Yeah here you go:
  4. I wear BCR's in my ears so i dont pull em out when i take me lid off
  5. Theres a few forum glitches at the mo since we changed server. I do believe they are being sorted though. Just hang fire forra bit
  6. Once piercings start to show the first sign of rejection - they should be removed immediately. People leave them to "see what happens" and thats how they end up going all pussed up and minging and you end up with loads of scar tissue - then they go for another piercing before its healed properly (which incidenally takes about 18 months overall) then that rejects again and so we have a vicious cirle and folk end up being scarred. I had my belly done in 3 places (one at the top 2 on the bottom) the top one was fine, but the bottom ones rejected - i took them out at the first signs and all i have is a teeny mark where the holes were. Scarring IS unavoidable, but folk often dont know what to do when a piercing rejects and so they end up with an unsightly scar.
  7. Yes i had to do the same. Also the heat shield was missing from them and he kept promising to send it but never did - until i started a paypal dispute then he sent it and its shite!! Also the baffles didnt fit without getting stuck so i had to spend ages grinding them to fit - but i dont have them in anyway - much better without! I had my mate make a permanent one for me this is it - and its brilliant:
  8. Ooooh you have them too! Didnt you find you had to fanny about though to get them on - although the end result is fabulous!
  9. Goff

    Yamaha Dealer

    Try the Yellow pages
  10. I have NEVER had any facial piercings - i do not like them on myself although i have many other piercings I have done these before though - they are as piss easy as a normal labret - you just have to make sure you get them even
  11. I dont even smoke! Yes, Yes i m glad you think so
  12. Just dont get a gay eyebrow piercing
  13. Goff

    Its a done deal

    Yes they are. And no she's gorgeous as she is at the mo
  14. Yep those are the ones. The only thing i will say is that you need to fuck about slightly to get them to fit and add some of your own spacers but its a piece of cake to do. And they look and sound the dogs bollox as you can see. I got a vid on youtube if you wanna her them HERE I use textile throwovers when im rallying - i dont have saddlebags but yeah theres loads of room. Never rejetted or anything, just shoved em on and away i went - and no probs whatsoever The heat shield that comes with them is shite so i suggest you get one made. I just paid 50 quid for a custom one but wirht it cos ive gone thrugh 3 pairs of waterproofs and they get REALLY hot. HTH
  15. Mines too rude for a public forum
  16. Im a trained tattooist and body piercer of 7 years experience and i would tell you now to get it done properly. Ive done more of these than i care to remember and everyone is different. I had them myself but they never fekkin healed and were painful at times so i took them out. However other folk seem to heal really well. But PLEASE do not do it yourself - you run the risk of seriously damaging the cartilage if you dont know what you are doing and you could end up with a big lump of scar tissue that looks totally ugly and you cannot get rid of. As for the eyebrow stud - these are really common for growing out - and they look totally gay.
  17. And what am i to do then? Mines in the fekkin showroom!
  18. Goff

    I need your advice

    Thankyou for your replies - i shall take them all on board
  19. NEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I cannot funciton without me daily injection of Yam
  20. Ok - so now i got me a nice new bike i was wondering what - if anything - i should be doing. Yes ive had "new" bikes before and i am quite capable of looking after them but i have never actually owned a brand new-zero mileage-straight-out-the-showroom bike - so in your opinions - is there anything i should be doing to keep her tickety boo or do i just keep on doin what im doin? Cheers! Goff (not too proud to ask for help )
  21. Completely agree! When my pops was stationed in Germany it was 10 times worse and nothing stopped for it - they just chucked on snow chains, threw on wellies and a warm coat and went about their usual business! oh and it was law that you had to clear the snow from the footpath outside your gate too
  22. Thats what i meant! Damn these girly nails
  23. Goff

    Its a done deal

    I've just negotiated a deal on a spankin new 2009 Yamaha XVS950a Midnight Star. Only came into the UK on Weds last week and i should (hopefully) take delivery of mine next week once all the t's are crossed and i's dotted - and this blerdy snow lets up! Apparently im he first in the UK to own one. How cool is that! Cant wait!! WOOHOOOOO!!
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