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Everything posted by Goff

  1. Goff

    Which Classic ??

    Hey there Welcome to our forum
  2. It doesnt offend - but i dont agree that its unfair - because nowhere in this thread does anyone say all Muslims are responsible. The posters ALL say that these scumbags who did this are Muslims - which they are Had there been any inclination that this was tarring all Muslims with the same brush then i would have been the first to jump on it - I am of Muslim descent - hell i even have a Muslim maiden name - but i dont offend easily. Many Muslims are peaceful people and not all of them are terrorists who want to kill people and who stand waving placards against our soldiers - but those that did are Muslim, and they are the scum of the earth.
  3. Those are GREAT photos! Good to hear you had a cool day out on the bike....its always nice to see good piccies....specially if there's a good lookin fella in them
  4. Goff

    Productive Day!

    Fookin hell!! Thats absolute shite! Glad you are ok though honey xx Is there much damage to you bike?
  5. Oooh i missed this! And thankya muchly for thinking of me honey - but alas - as beeyeooootiful as Norn Iron is tis too far away for me - BUT if you think its worht restoring back to its former glory then go for it! Divster - thats gonna be a nice bike once its done - looks very German Fighter, but i personally like that look
  6. Goff

    Fekkin Kids!

    I wasnt going to do anything but I had to really cos she was so excited about the limo... and the feeling she'll get from being cooler than the school bully on the last day after years of misery from her will be priceless! Lol, im a cool mom! wooohoooo!
  7. Goff

    Fekkin Kids!

    My eldest daughter leaves Primary school in July, and for the past 2 weeks all i have heard is "Can i go in the limo with Sophie and Savannah mam"....now i beleive that end of school years are becoming very Americanised, and really kids aged 11 shouldnt even be worrying about a bloody limo for their last day. BUT - i agreed as these are her friends, and i thought well maybe it will make her last day memorable and fun. Beginning of the week she came home rather upset - appparently a couple of other girls are now going in this limo - one of them the school bully who has made Courtney's life hell since she has been at that school - and she has told Courtney that she cant go in this limo. Since she's been in the 2nd year there we have had broken glasses, bite marks, endless bruises, Courtney feigning illness and I've been into school god knows how many times about this kid. Now this bully has obviously muscled her way in cos she has heard the kids talking about it and decided she is going in it no matter what and the rest of them are too bloody scared to tell her to sod off - as are their parents! So me i says to my girl "well luvvie, forget it, its no the end of the world and we'll do something spesh when you finish school" - she was fine about that but i could see the disappointment in her face at not being able to join in with her friends. I wouldnt normally have done anything, because i dont think it should be a bloody issue at 11, but because they have all been banging on about how fantastic this limo is i couldnt see her left out because of one evil kid. So this morning ive been over to my local Boom Trike showroom and ive hired a big fook off Boom Trike to go pick her up on - far cheaper than the limo and a lot more fun......in fact its this one: Much cooler than any limo IMHO, and if it gets one over on the school bully then thats good enough for me - but does that make me bad?
  8. Nah - cut it down As for fairing giving you protection - i have none on my bike - not even a screen - was hard going at first especially tearing down the motorway - but you get used to it
  9. If you wanna class it as a "basic" streetfighter then you go ahead. You havent much changed the way the bike looks - you can tell a mile off its a blade. If you like - thats the main thing, there will always be the debate as to what is and what isnt as already mentioned.....but you seriously need to cut down that bloody headlight! Maybe "rat" would be a better class for it........... Anything is possible with a good imagination..........
  10. Its Miss - i am of the female species.....although some of our more established members would try to argue that.....the terms "she-devil", "biatch" and "Satans Finest" are terms of endearment i have become somewhat used to...... Consider yourself forgiven..... We dont do much of that round here and you'll soon find your feet - although photographic evidendce of you pulling a thread might be good....... Takes a lot to offend me - they dont call me Mistress on here for nowt.....
  11. A streetfighter to me is a bike made from lots of other bike parts. As for how many different bikes - why would that matter? People seem to use the name "Streetfighter" loosely now for any bike that has a set of renthals on it and a loud can. Im no expert on fighters, but as i already said - they are a bit more than a set of renthals chucked on a sportsbike IMHO. Everyone has a different opinion on what makes a fighter - and a smashed in sportsbike complete with renthals just doesn't make the grade for me.
  12. Errrrmmmm.........where exactly did i say i was offended? And when i said i love a good "look at how much i've spent thread" thats exactly what i meant - i like to see what folk have bought for their P & J's - nothing more, nothing less - pretty much how i like to show what i've bought for my bike/spent on ink/blown on beer - the latest being £6.5K on a spankin new bike in February........so..... TBH, im not sure why you seem to have taken the hump
  13. No, in my opinion they are not ALL streetfighters. As i said - anyone can chuck a set of renthals on a sportsbike and call it a fighter - it isnt - it will never be like that. Im not trying to differentiate myself from anything - but a fighter is a bit more than the above, and not what it once was ie: a smashed up sportsbike! .....and i do believe i also said: A lot of time and effort goes into a fighter - and again as i already said - they are not always built from smashed up bikes. A la: Now THOSE are streetfighters - a smashed up sports bike with a set of renthals dont even come close. Our slabby has been 2 years on the go now..............
  14. Nice bikes Yamigirl - is your hubby on Old Skool Suzuki? I recognise the gawwwwwjussss number 2 from there im sure?
  15. I do love a good old "look at how much i've spent" thread.
  16. You are better off asking that question in the tech help section
  17. Goff

    Personal Photo??

    Thats because the personal photo only shows up in your profile. If you want a photo to show up on your posts you need to set it as an Avatar. To do this: 1 - Click "my controls" at the top of the page 2 - On the left click "Edit Avatar settings" 3 - upload the piccie you want to use from your computer or put i n the URL where the piccie is if its online Thats it HTH
  18. Goff

    Near Miss...

    I have been known to stop my bike in the middle of the road, get off, and have a real pop at a driver for almost killing me. its not big, its not clever, and in this day and age its not really wise. But then again if they think twice about looking out for bikers......thats only a good thing.
  19. You can either go to their profile and click "add friend" which is under their profile photo or you can use the drop down box ontheir post that says "Add as friend" People do get an email to tell them you have added them as a friend. If you want to get in touch with someone then use the PM facility. Go to their profile page and click "send message" located under the "add friend" option. HTH
  20. Welcome to the forum Nice bike you got there
  21. Its the only stuff i use You put it on a clean dry cloth, rub it into your chrome, then buff it up - simple Shouldnt need to do it again for a couple of months either as it protects your chrome and muck just washes off - just buff it again after washing.
  22. Now THAT - looks very nice indeed
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