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Everything posted by Goff

  1. Dunno if any of you go to these events (me, im a die hard rally-goer!), but this years 25th Anniversary Rock and Blues Custom Show has been cancelled. Further info HERE
  2. Try taking the switchgear off and giving it a good clean - that might solve it. If you have checked all the connections and they are ok then i have no idea - other than your switchgear might be knackered.
  3. Goff

    Not too impressed

    Matlock - i avoid it like the plague on a weekend. Too many power rangers trying to ram their sports bikes up my exhaust and undertaking on the bends I quite like my life and don't want to lose it to some numpty rider trying to break the world land speed record.... Anywhoooo - glad you found your seat unit - that'll teach ya lol - similar thing happened to me thoguh a couple of years back when i was on my CBR400 -the middle fairing flew off and smashed into a million bits on the opposite carriageway - i hadn't fastened it on properly after giving the bike a good clean - was an expensive lesson - but easy done so don't worry too much about it - its the simple things we forget that are often the most expensive
  4. Sounds likethe cables been routed wrong. When you turn the bike its pulling on the throttle and opening it up as theres no slack! Take it off and put it back on properly - should sort it out. Failing that the cable is probably too short.
  5. The ONLY thing to be seen wearing on yer feet when riding a cruiser - i have 3 pairs.......
  6. I'm heading over to the NAB'd rally at Astle park for the weekend - might call in at the Thundersprint on sunday on our way home if we get chance cos its only up the road
  7. Goff

    600's for shorties??

    Well at 5ft 1 its perfect for me - the lowering kit cost £15 on ebay (thankyou oldgitonabike for the heads up!!) Its not too heavy and it will keep up with the 600's in the twistys any day IMHO. I picked that one up for £800 (on a J Plate) and as you can see its a minter - so if you look hard enough they are there! I used to own a CBR400RR - the babyblade - a few years back (see yet another piccy!) - and that was just as much fun to ride too! Tell her not to rule out the 400's - they can give the 600's a run for their money.....
  8. If you mean my bike i have a Silvertail Pro-S 2 in 1 system - currently up for sale - see the For Sale section! If you mean Aussie Al - they look like Vance and Hines Cruzers?
  9. Goff

    600's for shorties??

    What about a Bandit 400? I have one of those too and its fabulous! Its proper quick and it fantastic in the corners. Much as i love my Dragstar i cant thrash it like i can my Bandit I've just had mine lowered (pic is when i bought it and it had been jacked right up) It has one or two modifications but its pretty much standard (yeah i KNOW it kwak green too lol) Its not too heavy and its a hell of a lot of fun!!
  10. Taken from the manual for my 650: load up to 90kg: front 225kpa, rear 225kpa load exceeding 90kg: front 225kpa, rear 250kpa HTH
  11. Check the simple things first: 1 - What kind of grips you got on it? I put aftermarket grips on my 650 and jaysus you can REALLY feel the vibration! I suffer with hand fatigue quite a lot. 2 - Is it a stock exhaust? Aftermarket ones have been known to shake the life outta yer - but they sound bluddy fabulous so you take the rough with the smooth so to speak Whats it like over 75? Mine seems to vibrate like fook at around 70 then once im past that its smooth as........ Is this your first Dragstar? If it just might be that you're simply not used to riding it yet. I have the 650 and the gears are very low - It seems to be whining it bollocks off at 60 but theres still a couple of thousand revs still to go before I reach the redline - i would assume its the same for the 1100? The vibration and noise at 65-70mph is something you will have to get used to, particularly if its your first Dragstar - try wearing earplugs. I have heard that fitting a hypercharger will help reduce vibration - but don't quote me on that. Having said that - once you're used to it - you will love it. Vibration? You will hardly notice it The clutch sounds like it needs looking at too - i would get that sorted sooner rather than later. Whats going on with that then? Give it a good service and see how you get on. The 1100 is a thumper of a bike, but going off my lil 650 - vibration is just the nature of the beast.......
  12. It's not difficult to make Goff happy. A man only needs to: 1. have a bike 2. keep up with her........
  13. Goff

    600's for shorties??

    I'm 5ft 1 and i had a CBR600F before i got my Dragstar - see pic. Had the seat cut out but to be honest it didn't make much difference. Weight wise it wasn't good either. Got shut of it less than a year later.....
  14. IS the whole bike vibrating or is it just coming through the handlebars?
  15. The guy looks like Lemmy - who is indeed a GOD Calling me a "tuna-smelling rag whore" amongst other things in a public forum was rather immature and i wasn't too impressed, but his level of intelligence wasn't much above that of a goldfish so i expected nothing less. Anywhooo - he's gone, so we can get back to talking about (and having sensible, adult debates) about all things bike and other such subjects
  16. And as a token of our appreciation, so we don't forget who's boss - i got this for ya
  17. Goff

    Exhaust help

    lol i keep trying to remember the pipes are there but even so im only short so i can only bend my leg out a little bit - which is rubbish when i have my waterproofs on cos they are quite thick! The pipes sound fabulous - shame they turned gold though - but hopefully im having that sorted - i just need this little problem sorting!
  18. Thank you!!! Been a long time coming, but it is appreciated.
  19. I've got a Leo Vince Silvertail exhaust on my bike which sounds fabulous - BUT - i keep burning my leg on the bloody pipes! The system does not come with any heat shields and althought i have wrapped it in that heat wrap stuff - im on my 2nd pair of waterproof trouser due to the pipes melting them! I can find universal heat shields on the web but the problem is with the first pipe that goes in between the engine and panel - and its curved! (See pic - taken before they were wrapped) The ones on the net are all straight. Anyone got any ideas? or is anyone any good at making this sort of thing? I'll pay whatever it costs to save me keep having to replace my waterproofs!!!
  20. That would be a V Star if im not mistaken........
  21. Have a look for the frame number - it will be on the frame - obviously lol. You will then have to apply to the DVLA for a new log book which will cost you £25 You can download the form here: DVLA Hopefully the frame wont have belonged to a bike thats been a write off at some point - else you'll end up Q plating it and its a REAL ballache cos i did it a few years back with an ex track bike - was a real pain in the arse!
  22. Very nice and shiny indeed - but i think its an XVS 650 Now get out there and get some muck on her!
  23. Goff

    Draggin Jeans

    Are you still married to Clibbo????
  24. Welcome to the forum honey Very nice collection you got htere!
  25. Goff

    Draggin Jeans

    The only problem i found with the draggin jeans for women is that the sizing is all out. Us ladies have to try them on to get the right size - pretty much like we do with bloody leathers - the last pair i bought were 2 sizes smaller than i am normally and i havent lost any weight! I dunno what they are like for me though - but J & S sell kevlar jeans - which are just as good as the draggin ones - for £40..........
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