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Everything posted by Goff

  1. Those bikes look fookin fabulous! Nice one guys
  2. Goff

    Newby from Israel

    Welcome to the forum
  3. Yep i agree with LTR. As long as you dont have to ride it what does it matter what soemoen else does to their bike? Me - i do stuff to mine cos im not a sheep - and i dont wanna be part of the "same shit, same bike" clan. As for the "i would not have mind if it was done by "pimp my ride" production,coz they add some serious stuff to it.and the outcome is amazing." comment - why the feck would you wanna throw a load of money at the bike for someone else to do it???? There is nothing like the blood sweat and tears you put into your own ride and know that at the end you actually achieved something - rather than having a bike that says "oooh look how much money has been chucked at my bike without me actually doing anything" Until you have been involved in the building or modification of any bike and you actually KNOW something about the bike then i dont think you can really say anything about whether modifications should be done or not. I like mine to be as individual as i am - take my Suzuki Bandit in Kawasaki green for instance - get yer head round that one mate.....
  4. Goff


    Where the feck you been hiding - theres a few of us been here a while you know!
  5. Point me to the auctions and i'll bid - and i'll go round too with some friends.......thieving scumbags!
  6. If theres parts on ebay you're sure are stolen - put a massive bid on them to make sure you win - and when you win you will get the sellers address...................sorted.
  7. Goff


    Welcome to the forum. Always nice to have anotehr girly on board!
  8. I do love biker blokes when they are on their backs.......*snigger* SORRY! Thats me being all pervy - must be the heat And yes, his bike is proper bright - but people STILL don't see him (fuel protest another biker almost took him out, if he had had another set of stickers on his fairings he woulda hit him!)
  9. Right thats it. Im officially signed up to do this challenge. I will be riding a 350 Enfield Bullet motorcycle over 1,000 miles through Rajasthan, India to raise funds for Scope, the charity that helps children with Cerebal Palsy. I will travel from Delhi through Jaisalmer, Jodhpur, Pushkar, Jaipur and Agra, passing the Red and Amber Forts along the way before finishing the ride at the Taj Mahal. Its going to be physically and mentally challenging, but all for a good cause! I shall be riding a classic Enfield Bullet Motorcycle, which are still built and widely used in India. I see a lot of children with CP come through the various Orthotics clinics I go to during my placements on my Prosthetics and Orthotics course at uni. My friend Jo is also taking on the challenge as her nephew has CP so together they are reason enough to spur us on. I aim to raise £3000 or more and any donations are greatfully recieved! If you wuld like to sponsor me you can do so by going here: SPONSOR ME HERE or clicking my sig. Either of those links will take you to my sponsor page and you can track the progress of my fundraising efforts there too. Thanks in advance!
  10. Goff

    Enfield Bullet

    Thanks Merv. We have now sorted it with one of the dealers over near Hull so we are en route!
  11. Hey i found us! HERE L2R comes into view on his bright yellow machine at 55 seconds and me at 58 far right and waving furiously with no jacket on! Had taken it off cos it was so bloody warm when we parked ont he motorway!
  12. Goff

    The challenge is on!

    Link now working! sorry! lol
  13. Right folks thats it - im officially signed up to do the motorcycle challenge in India - so im now looking for sponsorship. You can sponsor me through this page - any donations gratefully received! I have to raise 3K minimum for the charity so ANYTHING ytou can help with would be brilliant! CLICK HERE
  14. Goff

    Enfield Bullet

    I REALLY want to go to India and do this as i see a lot of kiddies with Cerebal Palsy when im out on placement and i think its a really worthwhile cause. However im not sure i could touch the floor on one of these bikes so need to get a sit on one. Does anyone have one or know anyone with one that i could try for size so to speak? http://www.scope.org.uk/adventures/india-nov08.shtml As for raising the 3 grand im hoping that as soon as i know i can ride one of these that i could rope in the local media to drum up some sponsorship - but i need to know i will fit the bike first. thankyou muchly!
  15. Yup fabulous day! Methinx we should protest more often We were SUPPOSED to go through Manchester town centre but we had to stop at Old Trafford cos the police wouldnt let us into the centre and diverted us to Salford Quays (as i have since found out) And yes you are a nutta paul - you made me laugh all the way home with your "antics"........*snigger* I have some piccies anywhoo - and a small vid - but i think pauls is better - and next time you should bring the dog! Before we set off at Birch Services: The yellow bike complete with matching panniers is L2R's TV Crew Total gridlock near Old Trafford Old Trafford Again L2R trying to look "casual"
  16. Goff

    taking my cbt

    Aww thats a damn shame. Hopefully next time the weather will be half decent. My OH took his test last Friday and passed so he's pretty chuffed. It chucked it down here on Thursday though, but was clear Friday so fingers crossed for you!
  17. I shall be on Elvira Antonio has buggered coils - fookin men!
  18. Im 110% convinced that some tw@t has it in for me this moneth. Firtsly my paint job gets fecked cos the petrol fumes made it bubble so it gets sent back for repair. Comes back from repair (6 weeks later!) and im not entirely happy with it but it will have to do. So im thinking i will get a stainles steel ring about 2 inches wide - bit like a large washer - made to fit around the petrol hole to prevent any firther damage. Commisions the help of local steel fabricator draws a piccy and everything, then goes to collect ring a week later. Its WRONG!! It sits 2 inches ABOVE the opening and is 1/2 inch wide! So - i need this by the following day as bike has MOT - he makes me antoerh - and its still wrong! Better than the first but not quite right, but will have to do. So i JB Weld the thing on - fingers crossed its doin its job 3 weeks ago i decided i was having some Vance and Hines pipes - pretty pricy but i had some spare cash so. I called a V&H dealer told him i wanted a FULL system etc and was assured that these would be perfect for my bike. They arrive yesterday - guess what - they are a partial system!! FFS!!! Apparently i need the stock front downpipe - whic i dont fekkin havew - to fit the damn things on! So today i sent them back - at a cost of 40 bastid quid. I am not happy - i am extremely peeved - all i want is a decent looking set of pipes!! AARRGGGHHHHHH!!!! Oh and to top it all - the fookin coils on my Bandit have gone - rant over... NEXT!!!
  19. Goff


    I just sold a Garmin Quest Motorcycle Edition for £160 - had everything you needed for the bike including a headphone socket! Ive now got a Tom Tom rider 2 with the Scala Rider bluetooth headphone - what a fantastic piece of kit! And if you cant afford one all at once - go to the Dell site - £29 deposit then a tenner a month for 2 years - and STILL costs less than in the shops with the interest on top! DELL OFFER
  20. As far over as is comfortable - without falling off!
  21. Awwww you have such a cute dog! Are you bringing her to the fuel protest on thursday?
  22. If i can get someone to take the kids to school ill be going EDIT: All sorted - I shall be attending. I only live a junction down from Birch so not too far for me.
  23. I am in depserate need of a downpipe to fit my XVS650 Classic. If anyone has one then pelase let me know. Cheers
  24. Thanks folks. Jeepurz i tried to email your friend but the link is broken. Yoda have sent you a PM just in case Oldgit thanks for the call this morning! Im determined not to give up on this just yet so i shall keep on trying! The info on what i need is as follows, just in case anyone else want to try and help lol: Kuryakyn part number 909422, a mounting kit for a hypercharger to fit a V-Star 650 CLASSIC. The retail price is $69.95. Thanks in advance!
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