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Everything posted by Goff

  1. Goff

    Bike thief

    lol why thankya kindly. Some things just get better with age
  2. Bollox. I would take it somewhere else. ideally your back and front tyres should be the same but its not set in stone. I often ran differnt tyres on my CBR6 and never had any problems as long as i wasnt racing like Rossi. 6 days for a tyre is taking the piss.
  3. Shoei XR1000 Diabolic 3 Limited Edition for me. At 1400g its the lightest on the market. Fits very well, has a pinlock visor and is a very quiet helmet. Not the cheapest lid, but one of the best i've ever had.
  4. The picture you were trying to post has been deleted from photobucket so the link wont work. Either you have deleted it of PB has.
  5. Aa a qualified professional driver i have on occasion reported several incidents to the police in the past and most have been looked at. Not all, but most, and therefore am drawing on my own experiences as are you. Fingers crossed Believe me - im not one who's scared of speaking up, but in this day and age you dont know who the hell you are dealing with and have to err on the side of caution. Did you report it? It would have been captured on CCTV. You should have reported it to the police and claimed on your insurance. Once the insurance informed the police she drove off they would have paid her a visit and she would have had to have provided her insurance details. The problem is i am not going to deliberatly put myself into a potentially volatile situation. I have no problem whatsoever giving someone a piece of my mind but as i said earlier - pulling someone over just to do that is suicidal Maybe he will apologise - however i do doubt that very much - this is 2008 not 1908, but again, if it was me you would be told to fuck off and mind your own business.
  6. Yep thats gonna work. If someone tried to flag me over i would either ignore them or stop and tell them to fuck off and mind their own damn business, so yes i can see that working very well. If he's riding like a twat, chances are he will behave like one too........ It wont be a problem once they are off the road. Actually you dont need another witness. If you go to them and tell them whats gone on an that its been happening for a while they WILL monitor it. I aint gonna try and stop some fuckwit only to have my teeth smashed in or to be given a load of abuse. It doesnt mean you're a little snitch - but if it saves the twat from killing an innocent person/animal then ill happily report his sorry little ass. A biker and his pillion were killed by the actions of such a rider at Matlock this year so these people need reporting and taking off the road.
  7. What code of honour is that?
  8. Goff

    idiots in shorts

    I dont think i actually said anyone was riding like a twat or that you need to be riding like one to be taken off. I was merely stating the obvious.
  9. Goff

    idiots in shorts

    Its simple really... Ride like a twat and you'll die
  10. I LOVE Thailand. Phe Phe and Koh Samui being my haunts. Although since the Tsunami its gone really touristy - much much more than it was before so its kinda lost its appeal for me - but i havent ruled out going back again.
  11. Take his number and report him to the police for dangerous riding - and keep reporting him until they sort it - which they will.
  12. Goff


    I had a Caberg V2 for ages - noisy as hell. I used earplugs but didnt like them at all either. I now have a Shoei XR1000 Diablo Limited Edition Lightest helmet ever and extremely quiet. It also has the pinlock visor which has NEVER steamed up yet. OK so its a bit pricey at around £350 but i wouldn't change it for anything now XR1000 Diablo
  13. Have you deleted your pics and vids from photobucket cos thers naff all to see on any of the posts you made!
  14. You MIGHT survive the accident if you come off - but you're more than likely gonna die from the severe injuries you will sustain - even if its just losing half your skin from severe road rash......theres more to it than just patching you up and sending you home - you will more than likely lose the limb you have scraped along the road through it becoming irrepairable or gangrenous - and if that mutha spreads you're well and truly fucked At least you got SOME sense Just be bloody careful out there........20 minutes to gear up properly could save you 20 years of misery......
  15. No its not - they have moved to a shop up the road. Its now in the main carpark (top left as you go through Matlock coming from Buxton way) where the tea bar is - i think theres a museum or soemthing there. You have to walk past it to get to the loos.
  16. Can you PM me with more info on this etc? Cheers
  17. Goff


    There's a bit of advice on this thread about lowering your biekt hat might be useful. HERE
  18. I have some very nice Caligula Wave pipes on mine. Yeah i hear ya go "you got whaaaaaaat?" I got these from Italy for the princely sum of 250 Euros. Ok so they aint top of the range but fook me they sound the dogs danglies and they look the biz too. You can see 'em on Elvira if you look at me profile. ;-)
  19. Mine havent blued at all - and i havent had mine rejetted......... There is absolutely NO discolouration on them whatsoever.
  20. Goff

    Alarm issues!!!

    CLASS! Although My dog would turn his nose up at Pedigree Chum - he eats a raw diet - and its cheap too!
  21. Goff

    Alarm issues!!!

    Fuck the alarm - Datatool are shite anyway. I had one on my CBR400RR and it caused me no end of headaches. get yourself one of these - aint no one gonna steal my bikes while he's here.....
  22. Nahhhh - it be fine. Start worrying when smoke starts emerging from places you never knew existed on your bike
  23. Does this help? Its a 650 but you get the idea - here's whats been done to it: The neck has been raked 40 degrees and a set of 6 degree Triple T’s added. ‘Forking by Frank’ of provided the 4 inch over stock 41mm fork tubes. 60 Spoke chrome 21inch front wheel. Rear suspension lowered by repositioning the shock mount . Sits at about 4 inch ride height and seat is at about 20 inches. The custom steel rear fender is attached to custom made brackets giving it that low tyre hugging look. 18 inch 1.25 diameter Apehangers with internal electrical wiring. Maltese Cross mirrors, turn signals and tail light on billet side mount for licence plate, all LED plus a Cobra Rocket Headlight. Hard Chrome 2.5 inch big straights exhaust system, Mapam forward controls and custom seat Now THAT is one nice bike (cept for the apehangers - id never be able to reach them!)
  24. Hello to you too and welcome to the forum. Yes we do have a nice place ta very much. As for the one or two idiots comment - depends on who you're talkin about.......... but we aint without our fair share thats for sure.....seems to be growing by the day too...........
  25. Has the fule got underneath the paint? This happened on my bike and it was caused by bad preparation around the petrol opening and the fuel got under it and bubbled my lovely new paint job. Its been repaired since, its been rubbed right down around the opening and sealed with JB Weld - and i had a stainless Steel ring made just for added protection. Nothing is getting under that bugger. You can see on these pictures the damage - and the last one is after repair withthe ring added.
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