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Everything posted by Goff

  1. Goff

    V-Star Pipes

    Depends what sound you're after an how much you wanna spend. Vance and Hines, Screamin Eagle, Highway Hawk etc are all top brands and dont sound too bad if you want that low rumble. However there are cheaper, much better soundin (IMHO) out there. I have Caligula Wave dragpipes on mine. Half the price of all the above, nowhere near as ugly and sound so much better - AND louder than those lot put together...... Elvira's Caligulas
  2. Im sure thats just what i said.................
  3. Welcome to the forum Ben Lets see if we can help ya..... A lot of new riders think that there is a "reserve tank" on a motorcycle which is actually a separate tank from the main tank, but it isnt. This picture shows you how the tank is actually set up: The yellow arrow points to the petcock intakes (or straws). The blue area is the "fuel reserve." The red area is unusable fuel. T he white area above the blue, inside the tank, is the "normal" fuel. There is no separate reserve tank. Most bikes have only one fuel tank (its that big metal thingy you straddle when you get on yer bike and sometimes slap with yer knackers ) Most bikes that have a "reserve" tank will have 3 (or possibly 4) settings - On, Off, and Reserve The OFF position shuts off fuel from the tank to the carburetors, and is how you want to leave the bike if it's going to sit for a long time. The ONposition is where it should be set for normal riding. This setting allows the fuel from roughly the top 80% of the tank to flow to the engine. The way it does this is by putting a tube a few inches up into the tank, so it can't reach the fuel on the very bottom. The RESERVE position is just like finding a longer straw. It allows you to get that last 20% of the fuel in the tank. It's not a separate tank, just a separate straw. If you are out riding and your bike starts to run out of fuel you can switch it to Reserve and it should be enough to get you to the next petrol station to fuel up. Make sure you turn it back to the ON postion before you set off though or else you could find you run out of fuel altogether ! Hope this helps.
  4. Goff

    The X Factor

    I did do a few weeks back.....seems you may have missed those.....
  5. Goff

    Widdle Wabbits

    A little girl walks into a pet shop and asks the owner “Do you have any widdle wabbits??” The shopkeepers heart melts, so he kneels down so that he is on her level and asks, “Do you want a widdle white wabbit, a thoft fuffy bwack wabbit or like that that widdle bwown one over there..?” The little girl blushes, rocks on her heels, puts her hands on her knees, leans forward and says, . . . . . . . . . . . . . “I weally don’t fink my pyfon gives a fuck!!”
  6. You're just jealous cos he thinks im spethul
  7. Goff


    ooooooh, who rattled your cage tonight PG?
  8. Yup - and he knows where the door is............
  9. Goff

    FAO: dt50 baby

    Can you please turn on your PM function - and contact me when you have done it. Cheers
  10. Goff

    The X Factor

    I would like to see you do a version of Free's Wishing Well...........whaddya reckon?
  11. Y'see now flattery and a bit of sweet-talkin' might just gain you entry to my secret Jaffa Cake stash........ Yup - i sure did
  12. Goff

    The X Factor

    Blerdy hell you're quite good - and im LOVIN the oirish accents! WOOHOO! Im gonna ring Simon Cowell and DEMAND that you replace the screaming banshee I used to front a band meself a couple of years ago - i wouldnt say we were much good, but we were entertaining and we were always fully booked! Seriously - i LOVE the version of Hallelujah and Stop and Stare, i thought you did a great job of them. Keep at it!
  13. But you dont get big diamonds honey...... Im only 5ft 1 meself - although maybe i should not admit that.......my reputation will be in tatters
  14. Yep - im kinda getting that impression.....
  15. I wasnt condoning the assassination of the girl - just the way the thread went on and on and on and some of the comments made about the car etc. Apparently though she has become quite famous, so i hope something positive has come of it for her. However - if you post piccies like that of yourself on the web, you should expect some stick
  16. This thread is absolute CLASS LINKY LINKY
  17. Goff


    Some of you might have seent his already as it was out last year, but i think its class - and very clever indeed, so brought it back for anotehr showing SMIDSY
  18. Goff

    Yamaha Papercraft

    Make sure you post some piccies of their efforts then - would be great to see the kids doing something constructive! In fact i think we all should do them on here - have a lil "Yammy Crafty" comp
  19. Goff

    The X Factor

    Nah its not her - its the one they have tried to make look like a hippy - all messy blonde hair and barefoot with a voice that sounds like you're rubbing a rat down a cheese grater....the one you're on about is Rachel. She wasnt too bad i didnt think, but fuck me her attitude stank!! Anywhooo - she went out of it last night! Lol yep thats her
  20. Goff

    Yamaha Papercraft

    Found these and thoguht they were quite good. Should keep some of you occupied for a while and stop you from being naughty LINKY LINKY
  21. Goff

    The X Factor

    So it is ITV is programmed to 111 in our house henc my mistake (and lack of brainage) Ok i shall rephrase I have to switch to the shite thats on the BBC, (which i pay for!) every time she's on and paying a licence for that tripe makes my toes curl even more than watching Diana fookin Vickers!
  22. Goff

    The X Factor

    Ok - i watch this - only cos there is naff all else dominating prime time telly on a saturday night. Now, this is aimed at those that DO watch it - im not asking for any "i dont watch that shite" posts because they are totally irrelevant, and that will just prove that you DO watch the X Factor, you just want people to think you're tough cos ya dont *snigger* Anywhooo - Diana Vickers...... My god what is wrong with that girl? She sounds like a strangled cat!!! I cannot STAND to hear her "sing". She is THE worst contestant ever. Yet the judges are bleating about how fantastic she is cos she is "quirky". QUIRKY? If you want quirky come meet some of OUR members! One even mentioned a recording contract tonight! Are the rest of the public completely deaf??? If this is what i pay my bloody TV licence for you can shove it - i have never had my ears bleed so much as i have tonight listening to that girl wail through one of Take Thats songs - it was sheer torture. For fucks sake people - vote the talentess bint off and bring back Laura!!
  23. Nahhh you're not an idiot -just takes tiome to get used to your bike. When i got mine i had come straight off a CBR600 - i slammed it into first from second and jaysus did it scream and lurch like you wouldn't believe! Then on the way back (with pillion) i went into to 3rd from 2nd and wasnt going fast enough - result was the bike stalled, threw us forward and the pillion headbutted me We all been there at some point honey - and you would not believe some of the steeeeyoooopid things i have done over the years
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